The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 275 You are such a person

Chapter 275 You are such a person

Anyway, the truth has come to light, Teacher Su also let go of his previous worries, thinking that watching for two minutes is not a big problem, and it can appease Yu Yuanyuan.

Her father is Yu Jinxiao, and he is not easy to mess with.

In the entire kindergarten, except for Wen Zifei's father, only Yu Yuanyuan's father was sent to school by his father himself.

It can be seen how much the family loves her.

Once this kind of child who is held at the top of the family's heart is wronged, the troubles that the family will cause are unbearable for migrant workers.

"Okay," Teacher Su clicked the playback again, "But I have to send the big orange to the security uncle at the door later, does Yuanyuan want to go together?"

"Okay, okay." Xiao Zaizai, who had red eyes just now, immediately became excited, as if he had forgotten everything.

Han Ya frantically tried to grab the phone, but she was so short that even Teacher Su's waist could barely reach her, so how could she grab what she was holding?

The monitoring continued to play, and just as everyone was about to leave the room to take a nap, Wen Zifei suddenly shouted: "Look, Han Ya has come in!"

Accompanied by the loud reminder, all the little friends who were about to go out turned back to look at it, staring at the projection screen with innocent eyes.

At this time, Han Ya's hands and feet were cold, and her head was buzzing.

She really wanted to do something to stop everyone from watching, but she was in a daze for a while and couldn't think of anything.

After a distance, her eyes skipped over the heads, and she saw herself in the monitor walking from the door to the classroom.

After seeing the box falling on the ground, Han Ya opened it on purpose and recognized it as Yu Yuanyuan's homework.

Han Ya, who was squatting on the ground, looked left and right like a thief, and after making sure that no one was looking around, she lifted her foot and kicked the box.

The box rolled down with a rumble, but was not broken by her little strength.

Seemingly puzzled, Han Ya kicked it several times in a row, and finally opened the box to check...

I don't know whether it's because the quality of the homework is too good, or because she is too weak, and the homework in the box is not damaged at all.

Han Ya, who was squatting in the monitoring room for inspection, suddenly got angry, opened the lid of the box, and raised her foot to step directly into the homework inside.

At this moment!
Daju, who was sleeping under the table, jumped up suddenly, rushed out like a little leopard and hit Han Ya's leg, making her stagger and almost fall.

Han Ya, who was suddenly attacked, was overly frightened and froze in place.

At this moment, Yu Yuanyuan came in from the front door of the classroom...

Seeing this, everyone was silent, even Teacher Su.

The matter was indeed one of her guesses, and it was also the most difficult one to solve.

Because, Han Ya's family members are not ordinary people, and his parents are also people of status. Although they are not as good as Yu Jinxiao and Wen Xiaohan, they know a lot of important people and have a very wide relationship network. Some face.

Mr. Su has been working in this environment all year round, and he has been familiar with each child's family background in advance.

She couldn't afford to offend every...every child here.

"Han Ya, you are this kind of person," someone among the children asked, "Why did you destroy Yuanyuan's homework? You still want to lie to us, you are a liar, a big liar!"

"That's right, big liar, we don't play with big liars."

The children dispersed tacitly, keeping a certain distance from Han Ya, as if they were avoiding some kind of plague.

Han Ya's mind was rumbling, and she wanted to defend almost instinctively: "No, listen to my explanation..."

(End of this chapter)

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