The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 276 You're welcome, I deserve it

Chapter 276 You're welcome, I deserve it

The children didn't want to hear it at all, they turned around to discuss what Han Ya had done, tacitly ignored her words, and left her behind.

Han Ya moved her eyes in a daze, and everyone who was still there looked at her with contempt.

"Let's go, I'm going to take a nap, I'm wasting time." Wen Zifei didn't want to wink, and walked outside with his head held high.

Yu Yuanyuan picked up the big orange that was spinning around her feet, and chased after her: "Thank you, little mosquito!"

The tone of milk whirring seemed to be able to turn a person's heart into sugar water, and that unstoppable sprouting attack broke through Wen Zifei's defense in an instant.

The bouncing cutie looked at him with big dark eyes, that smile shouldn't exist in this ordinary world, it's a precious thing only angels have!
Really... like an angel!

Wen Zifei stared at her blankly for a while, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be taken away, frowned, and immediately changed into a fierce tone and asked, "Why are you thanking me?"

"You helped Yuanyuan and Daju just now, you tied the silver!" Xiao Zaizai's own thanks were not enough, he tried his best to lift up the chubby Daju, "Daju also wants to thank you!"

"No, there's no need." Wen Zifei turned away arrogantly, but secretly complacent in his heart.

Hehe, if he wasn't smart, the matter would not have come to light so quickly.

"Thank you, you are such a good man." Yu Yuanyuan cheered happily around him holding up big tangerines.

The overly cheerful rainbow fart made Wen Zifei's cheeks turn red, and he folded his arms a little in a flutter.

Suddenly, he changed his mind.

its not right.

He was also implicated by this Yu Yuanyuan, if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be suspected of engaging in these boring little operations! !
"Hehe, you're welcome, I deserve it." Wen Zifei snorted, walked around her and walked towards the lounge without looking back.

The sluggish little Zaizai frantically sorted out the sentence on the spot.

It was the first time she had heard "you're welcome" and "served it right" used together.

After sending Rhubarb back to the security uncle at the gate, Xiao Zai Zai went back to the lounge to sleep.

Most of the children were lying down, she found the bed by herself lightly, took off her coat and was about to lie down.

There was a low crying sound not far away, which seemed to be from... Han Ya's side.

Yu Yuanyuan sat on the bed in a daze and looked at it for a while, put on her shoes again, got off the bed and walked towards Han Ya.

Xiao Zai Zai walked very lightly, and she didn't notice it all the way to Han Ya's bed, and she was still crying softly.

The voice sounded very sad, as if it was extremely sad.

Stretched out her little paw and patted it twice, the crying stopped abruptly, and the quilt covering her head was gently pulled away, revealing Han Ya's swollen eyes.

"Don't cry~" Yu Yuanyuan said softly.

Han Ya was already angry, angry and unwilling, and the white eyes and contempt she suffered at this time were all caused by Yu Yuanyuan.

But she actually pretended to be a good person to comfort herself? !
Oh, don't think that pretending to be a good person can be written off! !
"What's none of your business?!" Han Ya cursed angrily, suddenly remembered that everyone was sleeping, and was afraid of waking others up and being hated, so she immediately suppressed her voice, "Don't think you care about me, forget about it, let me tell you , this matter is not over!"

Han Ya angrily stopped talking, and from the corner of her eye, she quietly watched the reaction on Yu Yuanyuan's face.

She wanted to see if pretending to be a good person hit a wall would break Yu Yuanyuan's defenses!
"Ah?" Yu Yuanyuan frowned puzzledly, "Yuanyuan wants you to cry softly, you cry so loudly that Yuanyuan can't sleep."

care?Caring is impossible...

(End of this chapter)

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