The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 277 Let her have nowhere to run

Chapter 277 Let her have nowhere to run

If I thought about it in my heart, there was no way out in an instant, like a small stone stuck in the chicken's neck, unable to move up or down, making Han Ya suddenly unable to speak.

She stared at Yu Yuanyuan motionlessly for a long time, her heart suddenly exploded, anger, humiliation, embarrassment, everything could make her lose control.

Han Ya took a deep breath and cursed unbearably: "Go away!!! I don't want to see you!!!"

"Okay." Yu Yuanyuan, who had been sleepy for a long time, slipped back to the bed obediently.

However, Han Ya made such a fuss, the other children were all woken up, and Teacher Su was shocked.

"What's wrong?" Teacher Su wanted to care about Han Ya, thinking she was having a nightmare.

Han Ya pulled back the quilt, turned her body sideways and turned her back, angrily silent.

"Why is she like this? She can't fall asleep and quarrels with others."

"What's so strange, she still wants to destroy Yuanyuan's homework."

"I didn't expect her to be so bad."

The children's small discussion voices penetrated into Han Ya's ears one by one. Every word was like a knife, causing her heart to ache severely, and the anger in her heart was burning more and more intensely with unwillingness and anger.

But she didn't want to explain, nor did she want to argue. Han Ya didn't bother to be friends with those who couldn't understand her.

However, after a while, they should forget what happened today and start playing with themselves again.

Children are always easy to forget some things.

Han Ya adjusted her breathing, sucked her nose, and couldn't even cry anymore.

For her, what is heavier than sadness is the inconsolable anger in her heart.

Without Han Ya's crying, Yu Yuanyuan finally took a nap comfortably, and everything was fine in the afternoon, Han Ya hid far away by herself, playing in the corner and ignoring anyone.

The happy little Zai Zai suddenly became unhappy when school was over.

Because only Gao Zhou came to pick her up, not her father.

But Gao Zhou is on the list, so he can take Xiao Zai Zai away smoothly.

Sitting in the car, Yu Yuanyuan hugged her suitcase and asked depressedly, "Why didn't Baba come to pick up Yuanyuan?"

"Mr. Yu recently took on a new project and is very busy." Gao Zhou glanced at the rearview mirror, saw the disappointed little eyes behind him, and immediately entered the scene, "Does Miss Yuanyuan not want me to pick it up?"

He pretended to have a pitiful voice, so obvious that even an IQ like Yu Yuanyuan could understand it.

Xiao Zai Zai couldn't bear to let him down, so Little Claw Claw patted his schoolbag, and repeatedly comforted him: "No, Gao Susu came to pick up Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan is also very happy! Really! Really!"

Hey, it's really interesting to tease the little guy, it's happier than Chinese New Year.

Putting Yu Yuanyuan at the gate of the yard, Gao Zhou watched her enter the house before leaving.

Kindergarten opened early, and after Xiao Zaizai came home, her two brothers didn't come home. She was alone in the yard holding her piranha in a daze.

Dahua didn't know where to go to exercise, and she didn't see the cat after waiting for a long time.

"Miss Yuanyuan, don't run too far." Aunt Chen poked her head out to remind the little boy who was playing in the yard.

"Okay." Yu Yuanyuan readily agreed, and when Aunt Chen turned her head away, she caught a glimpse of a round ball rolling by the roadside outside the yard.

Strangely, the ball rolled over, but the sound of children playing was not heard.

The cat's curiosity is always too much to contain, Yu Yuanyuan picked up her precious Xinhuan Man-eating Flower, walked slowly outside the yard, and walked along to the place where the ball stopped.

Look left and right... there...someone has appeared!

The two identical faces blocked Xiao Zai Zai back and forth, like hunting prey, leaving her nowhere to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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