The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 278 I Won't Let You Bully My Brother

Chapter 278 I Won't Let You Bully My Brother
The twins are exactly the same height, Yu Zaizai had to look up to see their faces clearly.

The elongated shadows of their figures were just like a terrible haze, enveloping her.

Zai Zai, who was holding the piranha, was a little frightened, and stepped back again and again: "Then... is that your Qiuqiu?"

Although there are no words of fear in the words, the timid and timid appearance is full of timidity.

"That's right, otherwise how could I have tricked you out?" One of the twins snorted and said, "Your brother played us so badly before, and today I will pay it back on you!"

Even a foolish little cub can recognize that this is the declaration of the big villain before he did something bad!

Being blocked, she shrugged her shoulders, looked left and right, her small eyes were undisguisedly looking for a way out.

The twins don't pay attention to her at all, such a small thing can run...huh?

Really ran away!

Just as they were waiting to appreciate the fear of the little cub, the little Douding bent down nimbly and got out from under their hands with a swoosh.

The twins hurried to catch up and finally blocked her.

Xiao Zaizai, who had no way out again, wanted to use the same method to escape, but the two twins took precautions and blocked her way out firmly.

After doing this, Yu Yuanyuan was so tired that she was out of breath.

She smashed the pot, shrank her neck and asked weakly: "Why are you blocking Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan wants to be rich."

Poor little tone is so easy to win sympathy from others.

It's just that this method is useless to twins.

"Heh, come here." One of the twins grabbed Xiao Zai Zai's wrist and pulled her in a direction completely opposite to going home.

Yu Zaizai tried to squat down and use his weight to make it difficult for them, but...

Just so stiff, like a weathered stone statue being pulled away in place, the soles of the shoes made a series of rustling sounds on the ground.

Usually no one came to this place, Xiao Zai Zai sounded the alarm for the sense of crisis, trembling while hugging his man-eating flower.

"Don't do bad things." Suddenly thinking of Chu Qi's operation in the kindergarten, Yu Zaizai raised his hand and pointed to the high place, "There are pancakes there! You can't escape!"

"Pancakes?" The twins were confused.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally dismantled the meaning of Xiao Zai Zai's words.

It's not pancakes, that's surveillance!
Where can the little guy who can't even speak clearly run?

The twins crossed their arms, exuding the aura of a big villain all over their bodies: "Is your brother at home?"

"What do you want to do!" Xiao Zai Zai gasped and asked weakly.

"If you call your brother out, we can let you go."

The goal of the emotional twins is not Yu Yuanyuan, but to deal with Yu Mingxi.

Such a silly little glutinous rice ball, no matter what they do, they have no sense of accomplishment.

He was tricked by Yu Mingxi before, so he should pay it back from Yu Mingxi.

The twins' tone was sinister, and Xiao Zai Zai couldn't read the air, but he could feel the unfriendly aura emanating from them.

She shook her head, and bravely refused: "No, you will definitely bully brother, Yuanyuan will not let you bully brother."

"It's quite loyal, but... if you don't ask your brother to come out, it will only make you look good."

The terrifying aura approached step by step, like sharp needles pricking the cub's back densely.

Yu Yuanyuan retreated, retreated, and there was only a row of plant walls taller than her, and there was nowhere to go!

The surrounding leaves suddenly rustled, but it was obvious that there was no wind, but the leaves were trembling and ringing non-stop, as if some creature was about to emerge from the grass.

(End of this chapter)

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