The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 284 The Incomplete Freak

Chapter 284 The Incomplete Freak
After Yu Zaizai greeted his brother, he slipped into the room alone, took out his usual drawing book and started to organize his plans.

But... With his little brain, what kind of earth-shattering plan can he come up with?
Obviously it is impossible to drop!

Little Zai Zai, who had scratched his head and failed to come up with any special plan, was lying on the bed in a big character shape. Suddenly, he thought of something, got up and looked up Shen Ji's brother's number in the phone watch.

At this point in time, brother Shen Ji should have arrived home.

The phone beeped slowly for a long time, and finally it was connected with a click, and a slightly heavily breathing voice came from inside: "Hello?"

Gentle and gentle, mixed with a certain kind of deliberate restraint.

He probably came back from running all the way, and there was still a faint panting sound when he was breathing.

Yu Yuanyuan lay on the bed, put her mouth on the phone watch and said loudly: "Brother Shen Ji, it's Yuanyuan~~~"

"Yuanyuan, are you out of school yet?"

"Let's go, I got home very early, and I played for a while."

Shen Ji asked knowingly.

Ever since he knew that Xiao Zai Zai went to that kindergarten, whenever he passed by there, he would deliberately slow down to see if there was that familiar little figure at the gate.

It was the same today, he didn't see Xiao Zai Zai, and his heart felt a little empty.

On the way home, Shen Ji was suddenly disturbed by an intuition he had never had before.


Yuanyuan will call him.

He unconsciously quickened his pace, almost trotting all the way home, when he opened the door, he heard the phone ringing non-stop.

There was no one at home, and the bell echoing in the empty house was full of magical power, making Shen Ji run forward to connect without even taking off his shoes.

"Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan wants to ask you a question," the headache-ridden little boy said softly, "Is it okay?"

It was not a good question to ask her brother. She thought it over and decided that it would be most appropriate to ask brother Shen Ji.

Brother Shen Ji looks very smart at first glance!

"Ask." Through the phone, he could hear Xiao Zai Zai's distress.

At a young age, her family treats her very well, so what troubles will she have?

Could it be that it is inconvenient to tell the family about things in the kindergarten?

Shen Ji leaned lightly against the wall, lazily leaning against a corner of the cabinet, unconsciously playing with the telephone wire.

"If Brother Shen Ji knew that someone would hurt Dad in the future, what method would you use to stop him?"


There was a sudden silence on the phone.

It was the kind of quietness without a single sound, as if the person on the other side suddenly evaporated and disappeared from the world.

Waiting and waiting, the little boy who didn't get an answer held his claws in doubt: "Hello? Hello? Brother Shen Ji, is he still there?"

The milk whirring voice suddenly brought back Shen Ji's consciousness, and his tone was suddenly a little cold: "Yes."

"Is this question so difficult?"

"No, it's just... It's not easy to answer this assumption on me." Shen Ji's brows were cold, his eyes were fixed on the numbers on the phone and his lips were tightened.

"Why duck?" The naive little Zaizai didn't understand the bird.

"Because I don't have a father," Shen Ji said, fearing that Xiao Zaizai would ask another question in another way, "I don't have a mother either."

"..." Xiao Zai Zai on the other end of the phone change suddenly lost his voice this time.

Children are very concerned about the problems of father and mother.

People in the school know that Shen Ji has no parents, there will always be people who want to bully him, and some people think he is an incomplete freak...

The whole class isolated him as if he were some terrible pathogen.

"Brother Shen Ji—" Xiao Zaizai's cry suddenly rang out on the other end of the phone, "Yuanyuan is wrong—woooooooo!"

Shen Ji: "?" What's the situation?
(End of this chapter)

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