The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 285 I Will Always Be With You

Chapter 285 Will Always Be With You

"Don't ask Yuanyuan, Brother Shen Ji, don't be sad, woo woo woo." Yu Yuanyuan cried so badly that she hiccupped on the phone.

The cry really startled Shen Ji at first.

But now he understands...

Xiao Zaizai thought he was sad, but in the end he made himself sad and cried, so he cried and apologized.

Shen Ji's heart seemed to be touched gently by something: "Yuanyuan, don't cry, it's okay, I'm not sad, I haven't seen it since I was a child, and I don't have any feelings, so there is nothing happy or unhappy for me. .”

"Then...then...then you have Yuanyuan!" Xiao Zaizai cried and hiccupped, the voice on the watch phone fluctuated from distance to distance, "Yuanyuan will always be with you."

Shen Ji held the receiver, and unconsciously smiled: "Really?"

"Really, really." Xiao Zai Zai, who thought he had made a mistake, desperately assured him.

"How long?"

"How many generations!" Xiao Zai Zai who gave the age limit without hesitation received Shen Ji's soft smile.

Hearing that Shen Ji's brother was not sad, Yu Yuanyuan wiped away her tears, comforting him with her little mouth chattering like eating honey.

For the family affection that he has never touched since he was a child, Shen Ji never expected anything extravagantly.

Perhaps it should be said that what he has been going through has deprived him of too much desire for feelings.

The indifferent and cruel reality, the heart that has been worn down to the point of cocooning and becomes strong...

In Shen Ji's dictionary, he never expects others to give him any affection.

But whenever a person calms down and looks at the dark night outside the window, his thoughts seem to be uncontrollable and will open the thoughts and secrets on the hinges, stirring his heart into a mess.

It turns out that he has lived to such an age, and the bottle of reprinting the affection given by others is empty.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

Shen Ji gradually got used to sealing himself up, no one can break through his cold protection.

But it is different now.

There was a cute little cub who poured all his heart into his emotional bottle without hesitation, as if he wanted to fill it up.

He thought that the hard protection was also gently opened by her, but it turns out...the surroundings can have warmth.

"Then... let's just say it like this, Yuanyuan." Shen Ji lowered his head slightly, and an unknown smile flashed on the corner of his mouth.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't know what Shen Ji was thinking, so she promised on the other end: "It's a deal, it's a deal! You can't change your mind!"

"No, never."

"Hey..." Xiao Zaizai, who was over excited, suddenly began to sigh again, "This question is so difficult, who else can Yuanyuan ask?"

Shen Ji recalled Yu Yuanyuan's troublesome little problem, and guessed in her heart that she probably had watched too many cartoons before she had such strange thoughts.

"How long is the 'future' you're talking about?" It would be regarded as a question of childish fantasy by others, but Shen Ji used serious thinking to help Xiao Zai Zai get out of this difficulty.

The little cub bit his lip, thought for a while before answering: "Probably a long, long time, maybe... it won't hurt until it grows into an adult!"

"You mean, suppose there is a kid you know who will hurt your father in the next ten years, and you want to know how to stop it?"

Yu Yuanyuan bounced up from the bed in amazement: "That's right, brother Shen Ji, you're so annoying, I immediately understood that Yuanyuan wanted to talk about something amazing."

"Then..." Subconsciously, Shen Ji felt that "killing" is the most straightforward and safest way to stop this kind of thing.

But he realized that this assumption was asked by Yu Yuanyuan, he couldn't teach such a dark thing to such a pure and cute little cub.

"There are other ways."

(End of this chapter)

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