The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 288 Falling Out of Favor in Her Heart

Chapter 288 Falling Out of Favor in Her Heart
Oh wow.

Yu Yuanyuan opened her eyes wide, blinking blankly while holding the pen.

For this simple operation, Yu Jinxiao was at his fingertips, grabbed a piece of blank drawing paper, and drew a letter into the painting with his own inspiration.

It was the first time to see the little boy Baba painting. His claws were on Baba's arm, and his hairy head was pressed against Yu Jinxiao's chin.

"Wow - Ba Ba is so powerful!"

At the end of a simple line drawing, Yu Yuanyuan patted her claws excitedly and praised without hesitation.

"Okay, now it's your turn." Yu Jinxiao handed her the paintbrush again, and suddenly became silent with excitement.

The father and daughter stalemate for a while, Yu Jinxiao frowned and asked, "Why don't you draw?"

"Yuanyuan... I don't know what to draw."

He demonstrated his feelings for a long time just now, but Xiao Zai Zai didn't understand at all.

Yu Jinxiao helped his forehead helplessly, feeling that his patience for most of his life had been spent on Xiao Naibao alone.

"Don't rush to draw." After writing the five letters side by side on the paper, Yu Jinxiao pushed the paper in front of Xiao Zai Zai, "What do you think they look like?"

"The one looks like a tadpole, the spicy one looks like a spoon! The one looks like the handle of Yuanyuan's cup of juice in the morning..."

Under the guidance of his father, Xiao Zai Zai diverged his thinking, and soon he had an inspiration. He drew the things he thought of on the drawing paper one by one, and hid the letters in it.

After the complete painting was completed, Yu Zaizai picked up his work and let out a sigh.

Cannibalism has fallen out of favor in her heart!

What she loves the most now is - this painting completed with Ba Ba!
Yu Jinxiao saw the homework assigned by the teacher in the afternoon, and asked Gao Zhou to buy a simple picture frame in advance, so that it would be convenient for Xiao Zai Zai to frame it after painting.

According to his understanding of Yu Zai Zai...

If you just roll it up and take it to school, I'm afraid it will be riddled with holes soon.

When going to bed at night, Yu Yuanyuan leaned against the lamp next to the painting, and looked at it again and again until she fell asleep.

Woke up early the next morning, and wiped the surface of the picture frame with toilet paper like an antique.

Yu Jinxiao who happened to see it: "..."

When sending Yu Yuanyuan to the kindergarten, as soon as Xiao Zaizai saw Teacher Su, he was very excited and ran forward to say hello with the painting in his arms.

That proud little appearance made Yu Jinxiao feel ashamed.

How long has it been since Xiao Zai Zai stopped hugging him before he entered school! ! !
Recalling the crying little guy on the first day, Yu Jinxiao's chest had a mouthful of old blood, and he didn't dare to think about what the little guy would be like when he got married in the future.

"Qiqi, Yuanyuan drew a very interesting painting!" In order to maintain a sense of mystery, Xiao Zai Zai pressed the front of the painting against his belly, holding the edge with his paws to prevent others from seeing it.

In contrast, Gu Beiyan and Chu Qi are very "frank".

The two put the painting on the table and commented on each other's ugly painting.

Competing and fighting, Gu Beiyan was at a disadvantage again, and Chu Qi almost cried on the spot.

After finally waiting for class, the teacher sent a red flower to each child: "When everyone has finished showing their works, you can use this red flower to vote for your favorite work~~"

"Wow~~~" There was a happy voice in the classroom.

For the children, getting the little red flower is a super happy thing.

Following the seats in the classroom, Xiao Douding went up one by one to show his paintings, with explanations.

In order to exercise children's expressive ability, it is also a special training to explain the letters hidden in the painting.

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't sit still the whole time, her butt kept moving back and forth on the stool, feeling very anxious.

Why can't you reach Yuanyuan!Yuanyuan wants to go up too!

at last.

Teacher Su smiled and looked at Yu Zaizai who was rushing around: "It's Yuanyuan's turn next!"

(End of this chapter)

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