Chapter 289

The long-awaited little cub happily ran forward holding the picture frame, but his left foot mixed with his right, and he threw himself out of balance, but his hands were still reluctant to protect the picture frame.

Teacher Su's heart tightened with fright at the wobbly little body, and he was about to hug him in big strides.

As a result, the crooked body was grabbed from behind, and Yu Yuanyuan was forced back to stand upright.

"Can you use your eyes to see the road?" Wen Zifei held his chin, gave her a displeased look, and withdrew his hand behind Xiao Zai Zai's back.

The shirt that had been pulled to the bulge turned up, as if a hump had been installed on Cub Zai's back. After a few seconds of silence in the classroom, the children all burst into laughter.

"Thank you, little mosquito~~" Yu Yuanyuan regained her composure from her panic, spread her arms and hugged Wen Zifei's shoulder.

Wen Zifei bit her lip, blushing and wanted to push her away, but Xiao Zai Zai had left him and continued walking to the podium.

The picture frame was placed in the display area by Mr. Su, and the equipment enlarged the picture above and projected it on the white curtain beside it.

Many pairs of eyes in the audience were watching seriously, looking forward to Xiao Zai Zai's explanation.

Yu Yuanyuan took a breath excitedly, and suddenly... disappeared?
Her lips parted slightly, and after a moment she raised her eyes in confusion to glance at her painting: "Everyone howl, it's Yuanyuan's homework..."

Teacher Su thought she was nervous, and guided with a smile, "Yuanyuan, where did you draw the five letters?"

Yu Yuanyuan: "..."

It's over!She can't remember!

The little cub who was struck by lightning stood on the podium in a daze, scratched his head, but it was still blank!
After drawing the picture last night, she has been excitedly waiting to show her homework. As for the other things...she couldn't hold it in her head, and was accidentally forgotten by Xiao Zaizai.

"Mr. Su, can I... can I send Baba a haircut?" the poor little guy begged.

She doesn't remember, but Baba definitely does!
Teacher Su touched her little head and said with a smile, "Okay."

Dialing the dialed number on the phone watch, Yu Zaizai waited for less than two seconds, and then got connected: "What's wrong?"

"Baba..." The aggrieved little voice was extremely pitiful.

Yu Jinxiao subconsciously thought that someone was bullying her, and his tone was suddenly cold: "Someone bullied you? Are you in trouble?"

"No, Yuanyuan doesn't remember where the letters of the painting were hidden yesterday!" Yu Yuanyuan squeezed her claws, in front of all the students, without any embarrassment of being watched, "Baba remember?"

The other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, Yu Jinxiao pondered for a moment, but did not immediately answer her question: "Then think about it carefully, what do those letters look like?"

"Like what..." Yu Zaizai blinked, and his offline brain suddenly came back online, "Like a tadpole!"

"Well, what about the second one?"

"It's a spoon!"

Under Yu Jinxiao's guidance, Xiao Zai Zai remembered the letters hidden in the painting by himself.

The children didn't know what kind of person Yu Jinxiao was, but Teacher Su knew very well that when he heard him gently guide his daughter to think, instead of impatiently giving perfunctory answers.

This surprised her.

A man that even Jiang Cheng was afraid of had such a gentle side.

"Yuanyuan remembers now, thank you Baba! MUA!" Happy Zaizai hung up the phone, stood on the podium boldly again, cleared his throat, "Everyone howl, Yuanyuan is about to start!"

Teacher Su gently reminded: "The first one is the letter a!"

"Yes, this Yuanyuan was drawn as a tadpole," Yu Zaizai gestured on the drawing, "The second one is b, and Yuanyuan was drawn as a spoon..."

Just as Xiao Zai Zai was explaining excitedly, a phrase "It's so ugly" suddenly appeared from under the podium.

(End of this chapter)

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