The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 294 Talk Between Smart People

Chapter 294 Conversation Between Smart People
Shen Ji was not angry.

When he met Yuanyuan just now, he also suspected that she was tricked out.

"Hello, I'm Yuanyuan's friend. I met her in the alley over there just now, and I brought her back." Shen Ji was born with a white face, and when his breath was calm, he gave people a gentle and polite impression.

Teacher Su stared at him for a while, and let go of the defense in his eyes.

If Shen Ji is really a bad guy, there is no need for him to bring Yu Yuanyuan back.

And judging by the way Yuanyuan and him are together, they should have known each other before.

"Brother Shen Ji also come to have a rest together?" The little boy who hadn't entered the classroom ran over and grabbed Shen Ji's finger.

Through the glove, the soft, small claw gently pinched Shen Ji's index finger, like a piece of bread wrapped around him.

Shen Ji didn't want to stay and disturb, but he felt that it was necessary to tell Yu Jinxiao what happened today.

According to what he knew about Xiao Zai Zai, she must have turned around and forgotten about it.

The situation in the kindergarten needs to be reported to Yu Jinxiao in a real way.

Even though he usually doesn't like to meddle in other people's affairs, Shen Ji decided to set out a principle for Yuanyuan that he never wanted to surpass.

After resting in the classroom for about ten minutes, Yu Jinxiao arrived at the entrance of the kindergarten.

Xiao Zai Zai is still wheezing and eating the snacks brought by Teacher Su.

As soon as she heard that her father had arrived, she stuffed herself two more mouthfuls, and thoughtfully gave one to brother Shen Ji, before running out satisfied.

The back of the little ball bumped to the door.

Yu Jinxiao was already used to it, he squatted down ahead of time and hugged the little ball that "rolled" to his side into his arms.

"Baba~~Yuanyuan misses you so much." Xiao Zaizai clapped his arms around Yu Jinxiao's neck, buried his head on his shoulders, desperately radiating his feelings.

Gao Zhou watched enviously.

He also wants to have such a soft and cute hug! !
When Yu Jinxiao hugged Yuanyuan and was about to get into the car, Shen Ji walked out of the kindergarten and called to stop him.

"Mr. Yu, there is something I want to talk to you alone." Shen Ji glanced at Xiao Zai Zai, and Yu Jin Xiao immediately understood his intention.

After handing over Yuanyuan to Gaozhou, Yu Jinxiao took Shen Ji and moved to a far corner: "What do you want?"

"Yuanyuan seems to have a conflict with a classmate named Han Ya in the class," Shen Ji just finished speaking, and immediately changed his words when he met the not-so-intelligent eyes of the little boy a few meters away, "Yuanyuan herself is not very I know, but that classmate seems to hate her very much, and today he even called my brother to trouble Yuanyuan."

Yu Jinxiao didn't interrupt Shen Ji's words, his eyes darkened as he listened.

"She tricked Yuanyuan out of the kindergarten, and it was in the alley next to her. Fortunately, I found it when I passed by, and nothing happened." Shen Ji felt that the eyes covering him were like sharp knives, "However, in the future..."

Conversations between smart people don't need to clarify too much, just click to the end.

"Okay, thank you for your reminder, I will deal with this matter." Yu Jinxiao nodded, suddenly thought of something, and took out his wallet to reveal a stack of dazzling banknotes.

Shen Ji frowned, and took a step back: "Well, then I'll go first."

Yu Jinxiao, who was about to give the money, froze in place.

He thought that Shen Ji had waited until now to get some benefits, after all, his situation in his uncle's house was not good, and Yu Jinxiao would not be stingy about his reward.

But Shen Ji's behavior of not asking for anything in return made it seem like he was treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Back in the car, Yu Jinxiao remained calm and said to Gao Zhou in the front row: "I'll be home in a while, follow me to the study."

There was a sudden chill behind Gao Zhou: "Understood."

(End of this chapter)

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