The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 295 You Stupid Tangyuan

Chapter 295 You Stupid Tangyuan
Xiao Zai Zai, who has never been able to read the air, has no idea what Ba Ba is thinking.

She went home happily as usual, went back to her room to play with the lion cub, and waited for dinner happily.

At any time, Yu Yuanyuan will not be disturbed by other things.

The appearance of Han Ya and her brother was like a small episode, which only stayed in Yu Zaizai's memory for a moment, and then lost its weight.

She didn't notice that Baba was a little strange the next day. She sent her to the kindergarten earlier than before, and she didn't leave after she went, chatting with herself at the door.

Normally, Yu Jinxiao would leave Yu Yuanyuan as soon as he let it go at the door, and Xiao Zai Zai was not used to it.

I even wondered if an alien took my father away last night!
The current father is actually an alien!
Thinking of this possibility, Yu Yuanyuan shivered for a moment, raised her head timidly and looked at Baba's eyes.

The cartoon says that the eyes of aliens will glow, and that is straight...

Fortunately, there was no light.

Zai Zai exhaled.

"Do you have a classmate named Han Ya at school?" Yu Jinxiao waited at the door for a while before getting straight to the point.

Yu Yuanyuan nodded her head: "Yes, she took me to meet her brother that day!"

Oh, you stupid glutinous rice balls.

Yu Jinxiao only dared to curse in his heart, for fear of hurting Xiaotangyuan's fragile heart.

That's not taking you to meet her brother, but wanting her brother to teach you a lesson!
If Shen Ji hadn't appeared in time...

The young man's thin back appeared in front of his eyes, and a deeper shadow appeared in Yu Jinxiao's eyes.

"If Han Ya comes later, tell me right away, I want to see her too." Yu Jinxiao was afraid that Yu Yuanyuan wouldn't understand, so he deliberately slowed down his speech, staring at those big confused eyes every word. mouth.

Yu Yuanyuan nodded instinctively, Little Claw Chow held Baba by a corner of his clothes, trying to find Han Ya in the crowd.

Wait, wait, finally!

A black luxury car parked low-key at the school gate. Mrs. Han led Han Ya out of the car, and the mother and daughter walked towards the kindergarten gate talking and laughing.

"Baba, the hot one is Han Ya."

Yu Jinxiao picked up Yu Yuanyuan and blocked Mrs. Han's footsteps with a fearsome hostility.

"Yu Jin..." Mrs. Han called out his name in surprise, as if afraid of being known, she immediately pursed her lips and did not speak.

She lowered her head, avoiding her eyes: "Mr. Yu."

"Let's go in and have a chat." Yu Jinxiao said involuntarily.

Not a proposal, not an inquiry, as if no one in the world could refuse his request at this time.

Mrs. Han was very surprised, and squeezed her daughter's hand tightly: "What are you talking about?"

"Talk about your daughter and my daughter."

The tone was so cold that Mrs. Han had a bad feeling.

She subconsciously lowered her head to look at her daughter. Han Ya had already stopped talking guiltily and pretended to greet other children.

She knew her child best, and she knew something was wrong with Han Ya at a glance.

Teacher Su also noticed the situation at the door, and was just about to come over to take the opportunity to say hello to Yuanyuan to learn about the situation.

Unexpectedly, Yu Jinxiao said coldly: "Teacher Su, please find a place, I need to talk to Han Ya's parents."

Now that the matter has come to an end, Mr. Su knew that mediation was useless, so he hurriedly asked his colleagues to prepare the guest room.

The other teachers brought Yu Yuanyuan and Han Ya to sit on the sofa outside, and only Yu Jinxiao, Mrs. Han and Teacher Su were left in the reception room.

"Mr. Yu, tell me, what's the matter?" Mrs. Han tried her best to keep calm, not wanting to embarrass herself again.

A few years ago, she pursued Yu Jinxiao relentlessly, exhausted all her thoughts and means, but failed to impress Yu Jinxiao's heart and become Mrs. Yu.

Later, it almost became a joke in Jiangcheng.

At that time, Yu Jinxiao was not so ruthless, and Mrs. Han could feel Yu Jinxiao's completely different aura from the past, even if she had made enough mental preparations.

(End of this chapter)

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