The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 302 Bang Bang 2 Punch

Chapter 302
Cubs put the triangle inside the rectangle and the circle inside the flower shape!

The corner of the teacher's mouth twitched, and he twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment. He squatted down and asked, "Yuanyuan, why did you put it like this? These two shapes don't quite resemble each other, right? Can you take a closer look?"

"Ah," Yu Yuanyuan sluggishly squeezed out a cute little tone from her throat, "But, Yuanyuan put it in~"

Seeing the teacher's astonished expression, Yu Jinxiao was as calm as a bird.

Oh, I'm already invulnerable.

"Yuanyuan, it means there should be no gaps~~" The teacher smiled and patted her head, leading Xiao Zai Zai to choose again.

During the period, I did not forget to guide other children to think together.

I saw Yu Yuanyuan picked a cuboid on the table and stood in front of the class board again.

Yu Jinxiao followed her gaze, and at a glance, he knew that the cuboid was a little long, and it was impossible to put it in.

Yu Jinxiao, who already had a premonition, really wanted to give some hints quietly, but...

If he made a sound, he might be stared at by all the children and teachers.

It was such a humiliating feeling! !
Xiao Zai Zai held up the cuboid for a few gestures, and confidently stuffed it into the gap... oh shit, it's stuck!
The teacher felt that this was also an opportunity for education, so he raised his hand to attract the children's attention: "You see, some shapes look similar, but their length may not be suitable. We must learn to observe and find..."


"Bang bang!"

Just when the teacher was trying to guide the children to learn to observe, two beating sounds came from beside him.

She turned her head in doubt, and saw Yu Yuanyuan swung her small fist, and Bangbang punched the cuboid with a small difference in size into the hole.

The sunken pit was packed to the brim, like a fat man wearing a tight skirt.

The teacher was silent.

The children were also silent.

From the faces of Yu Yuanyuan's group of friends, Yu Jinxiao saw... the calmness he was used to.

"Teacher, put Yuanyuan in!!" Xiao Zai Zai happily clapped his hands and cheered.

The little friends in the audience were immediately led away, blinking their confused eyes and clapping together. This kind of violent operation received blind applause.

"Yuanyuan, the length of this square is longer, and it is not the most correct way to shoot it hard." The teacher looked at the completely recessed piece and took a long time to dig it out. "We should choose the correct shape and size. Instead of hammering it in."

"But," Yu Zaizai clasped his hands in front of him, and timidly and carefully peeked at the teacher, "Baba said that as long as you work hard, you can succeed!"

Yu Yuanyuan! !Don't frame me!

Yu Jinxiao wished he could run straight into the classroom.

He clearly said hard work! !effort! !Is that the same thing as trying to punch her with your fist?

The teacher knew that she was Yu Jinxiao's daughter, and was stunned for a while when she heard this remark, and didn't have the guts to correct Yu Jinxiao's parenting experience.

Reluctantly smiling at Xiao Zai Zai, the teacher asked Yuan Yuan to return to her seat.

Turning around, Yu Zaizai, who had no idea what was wrong with him, saw his father secretly taking pictures of him at the door.

The excited little baby raised his arms and was about to rush over, Yu Jinxiao immediately turned cold and put his index finger beside his mouth, reminding her to keep quiet in class.

After receiving the message, Yu Yuanyuan immediately held back her excitement, and obediently returned to her seat.

However, that little head turned around from time to time, as if Yu Jinxiao was playing hide and seek with her.

The little cub who couldn't sit still finally made it to the end of get out of class, and was the first to rush out of the classroom!

(End of this chapter)

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