Chapter 303
"Baba~~~ Are we going home?" Yu Yuanyuan hugged his leg, her sparkling eyes questioned her soul.

Yu Jinxiao put away his phone: "You have to continue with the class, I'm going to the company."

"Ah..." The disappointed little Zaizai looked depressed.

The little round face like a sunflower immediately lost all joy, lowered his little head, and hugged his leg at once.

"You have to study hard," Yu Jinxiao said officially, as a father would say, "but don't talk about things that I haven't taught."

"Yuanyuan will be good." The cute boy didn't understand his father's meaning at all.

"Okay, let's go to class." Waving his hand, the strong old father wanted to watch his daughter go back to the classroom.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan grabbed the hem of his clothes instead, and said solemnly, "Yuanyuan is resting now, she can walk around, I... I'll take Dad to the rough."

Xiao Zai Zai held his father by the corner of his clothes and dragged him towards the door, as if he was the owner of the kindergarten.

Gao Zhou, who was still waiting outside the car, saw Xiao Zai Zai, and immediately got out of the car to greet him: "Miss Yuanyuan!"

"Wow, Gao Susu!" The little milk voice echoed with the same excitement.

"Mr. Yu, how is the matter going?" Gao Zhou asked concealedly.

"It's settled, we can go." Saying that, Yu Jinxiao was about to go out and get into the car.

As if sealed by the line at the school gate, Yu Zaizai did not dare to cross it, so he could only wave his claws far away to see him off.

No one can bear to see that lonely and pitiful little appearance.

Even if she was only sent to kindergarten, Yu Yuanyuan's own aura made people feel that she was doing something excessive.

Even the security uncle at the door poked his head out, sighing and watching Xiao Zai Zai's back.

Daju, who was lying at the door, tilted his head and meowed.

"No one will bully you in the future," Yu Jinxiao couldn't help turning back, and squatted down to tidy up the messy hair of Xiao Zai Zai, "If you have any unhappy things, remember to call me."

Yu Yuanyuan thought carefully for a while, then nodded vigorously: "Okay, no one bullies Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan has many friends here!"


How could he forget, even if someone bullied her, she would not find out.

I'm afraid I thought others were playing with me!

"Okay, obediently go back to class, the teacher is calling for someone." Yu Jinxiao patted the little cub in lightly, and took firm steps without looking back, so as not to be called back by that little guy again.

The car started slowly and drove away. Gao Zhou looked at the small figure in the rearview mirror who was staring at the school gate, as if he was about to cry: "Miss Yuanyuan looks so lonely..."

Yu Jinxiao didn't want to talk to him at all.

The little guy seemed to have quite a few friends at school, and it was impossible for him to be lonely.

"Hey..." Gao Zhou sighed melancholy, and he didn't know why he was worried.

Xiao Zaizai, who returned to the classroom, found that Han Ya was missing, and other children were also discussing curiously.

Several children surrounded one of the tables, and Gu Beiyan was among them.

The purpose of his social malpractice is to inquire about news!
"I heard that Han Ya has changed schools?"

"It's like oh, she was dragged away by her parents crying just now."

"I don't like her, she's always a bully."

"Me too."

The children found someone with the same opinion, as if they had met a bosom friend, and everyone began to count the things that Han Ya had bullied them, and the more they talked, the more angry they became.

Many people chatted around the table, poor Yu Yuanyuan was squeezed outside, only knew that there was a lot of noise, but couldn't hear what everyone was talking about.

Finally found a little gap, Zaizai tried his best to push his head in, like a round radish coming out of the ground, squeezed into the center of the crowd with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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