The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 309 Mr. Yu Wants to Tell Me Alone

Chapter 309 Mr. Yu Wants to Tell Me Alone

The decoration of the restaurant is not affordable for ordinary people.

Shen Ji observed it calmly, suddenly a little embarrassed.

This kind of place he has never touched is like another world——

Strange, curious, but not used to it.

However, he carefully hid his little emotions, did not show too much expression, and followed behind silently.

Yu Yuanyuan was bouncing around beside Yu Jinxiao, she didn't know what she thought of, she swiped and turned back, and her little claws grabbed Shen Ji's hand in a snap: "Brother Shen Ji, you have to be with Yuanyuan, don't get lost La."

The warmth of the warm little paws came through the gloves, and the corners of Shen Ji's lips softened a little, and he gently clenched the palm of his hand.

"Father, what are we eating today?" Xiao Zai Zai, who could vaguely smell the fragrance, asked with his head raised in the elevator.

That small body seemed to have a huge foodie energy, and those eager eyes made Shen Ji's eyes much gentler.

Yu Jinxiao looked down at her, pretending to be indifferent: "You don't have to eat, today I brought Shen Ji to eat, not for you."

"What!!" Yu Zaizai believed it to be true and petrified on the spot.

Gao Zhou was beside him wanting to laugh crazily, but Mr. Yu had also evolved the physique of making evil jokes for children!

As if finally waking up from the nightmare of "nothing to eat", Yu Zaizai lowered his head and looked at his own little toes: "Yuanyuan eats so little, and dad won't give it to Yuanyuan, so dad won't be afraid that Yuanyuan will starve to death." ?"

Are you serious?

Yu Jinxiao suspected that this little cub dared to say anything big just to eat.

"Yuanyuan can also pick up the leftovers from Dad and Brother Shen Ji." Yu Zaizai lowered his head, rubbing his little feet on the ground gently, "The teacher said, children should eat well, otherwise they will not grow taller."

"Okay, okay, it's for you," Yu Jinxiao raised his hand to cover that little head, "Just to tease you."

"Shh~~~" Yu Yuanyuan, who was gasping for breath, seemed to be relieved a hundred thousand times.

For the sake of quietness and privacy, Yu Jinxiao specially asked someone to book a box. The floor-to-ceiling windows inside could just see the lake view of Jiangcheng, and the scenery was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

In contrast, this box is also the most expensive in the whole restaurant.

But no matter how expensive the price was, it was nothing to Yu Jinxiao.

"Wow, it's scary!!" Xiao Zaizai originally thought the room was clean and beautiful, and wanted to run around to look around, but when he got to the French windows, he was too scared to move his feet.

Even though he was afraid, he still wanted to see it. He didn't even dare to touch the glass with his little hands, but only dared to stretch his neck to peer out from a distance.

He took a look and retreated "Yeah!", took another look, and yelled "Ahhhhhhh".

Yu Jinxiao sometimes wonders if she is so stupid by nature. The other children feel scared and will hide, cry, and keep their distance.

Fortunately, she is both afraid and curious, like a kitten who is only interested in everything.

As the saying goes, curiosity kills meow, if other people's curiosity is only the size of a bottle cap, Yu Yuanyuan's curiosity is the size of her eating bowl.

"Miss Yuanyuan, let me take you to wash your hands." Gao Zhou received a look from Yu Jinxiao, and immediately hugged Xiao Zai Zai knowingly, "Wash your hands, there will be a lot of delicious food~~"

"Wow, wow, good~~" Happy Zai Zai took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, and couldn't wait to have dinner.

After Yu Jinxiao and Shen Ji were the only ones left in the box, Shen Ji withdrew his gaze from looking at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling window: "Mr. Yu has something to say to me alone, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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