The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 310 is something they can't refuse

Chapter 310 is something they can't refuse
Yu Jinxiao didn't expect Shen Ji to have already guessed it. After a short surprise, he motioned him to sit down: "You are very smart."

It wasn't provocation, Shen Ji just wanted to let Yu Jinxiao know that he wasn't so ignorant.

"You and Yuanyuan had a good time. Thanks to your help, I have already dealt with the matter of her being bullied in the kindergarten." Yu Jinxiao never likes to beat around the bush, especially Shen Ji is a smart person, "But, every time Personally, there will be some reasons for doing things more or less, and it will not be all based on mood."

Shen Ji had roughly guessed what Yu Jinxiao was thinking.

He thought he was using Yuanyuan to obtain some special opportunities, even the help of the most famous people in Jiangcheng.

Others might feel offended by this idea. After Shen Ji has experienced too many other people's rudeness and targeting, Yu Jinxiao's idea is nothing to him.

"If Mr. Yu wants to tell the truth, I can say it without reservation, but whether Mr. Yu believes it or not is another matter." Shen Ji's attitude can be said to be very polite, but smart people always give people A feeling of careful calculation, Yu Jinxiao will not believe his words [-]%.

Shen Ji thought of this, and Yu Jinxiao really thought so.

But sometimes guessing alone is worse than testing and seeing with your own eyes.

"Yuanyuan is a very cute and sincere person. Before I met Yuanyuan, I had no friends." At this point, Shen Ji's eyes suddenly turned cold and dim, and his eyes were focused on the tableware, as if there was his reflection there. "But Yuanyuan is willing to treat me as a good friend without reservation. Although she is young, she is not stupid. She is sincere and kind."

Yu Jinxiao listened to Shen Ji's words quietly, without interrupting or raising any questions.

Because the Yuanyuan that Shen Ji feels is also his own definition of Yuanyuan.

Even if he said from time to time that the little glutinous rice balls are a little fool, stupid, stupid and not high in IQ...

But Yu Jinxiao can't deny that this little glutinous rice ball has a wonderful magic power, people can't help but like it, it's kind, simple, cute, and sincere.

It seems that only those who have fallen into the abyss understand how rare and precious these essences are.

Exactly what they couldn't refuse.

"Do you really need my help?" Yu Jinxiao's tone was as calm as usual, he glanced at Shen Ji from the corner of his eye, and revised his statement, "I mean, no matter what it is, you helped Yuanyuan this time." , I can also help you on an equal footing."

Shen Ji didn't refuse immediately, but fell into deep thought.

He thought about it for a while, raised his head, looked into Yu Jinxiao's eyes, and said solemnly, "Thank you, I don't need any help right now."

"Okay, I will always keep this opportunity for you." Yu Jinxiao glanced in the direction of the door, and there was already a chattering voice from outside the door, "If you figure it out, you can find me anytime."

"Thank you."

Shen Ji is obviously keeping a distance from himself. For him, even if he is Yuanyuan's father, he cannot gain absolute trust.

Moreover, Yu Jinxiao could tell that Shen Ji didn't like to owe favors to others.

Growing up in an environment with no sense of security, he believes that every request for help will be returned a hundred times and a thousand times in the future, and he will never compromise easily.

"If you want to know something, I can tell you, you don't need to worry about what you owe me." Before Yu Yuanyuan entered the door, Yu Jinxiao seized the time to put down some unclear words.

Shen Ji looked at the man opposite him warily.

He also... got it?

(End of this chapter)

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