The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 311 Who else could it be if it wasn't you?

Chapter 311 Who else could it be if it wasn't you?
Before Shen Ji could ask, the door of the box was pushed open, and the little cub walking in front jumped in happily like a little white rabbit.

"Dinner is ready...?" Thinking that as soon as he entered the door, he could see piles of delicious food on the dining table, Yu Yuanyuan raised his head and looked at the empty table several times in disbelief, "Baba, you not hungry?"

Obviously he was hungry, but Xiao Zai Zai had to put the pot on Yu Jinxiao's head.

In order not to disturb the conversation with Shen Ji, Yu Jinxiao deliberately didn't allow the food to be served just now, now that everything that needs to be said has been said, it's time to get down to business.

Embracing Yu Yuanyuan to the child seat, setting up her own tableware, and the dishes that have been prepared are served on the table.

Every time a dish is served, Xiao Zai Zai will ask excitedly: "Sister, sister, what is this, it looks delicious!"

Or else it would be: "Brother, brother, what is this called, Si Liu..."

Originally, due to Yu Jinxiao's aura, everyone thought that this meal was destined to be serious and depressing, but unexpectedly...

Throwing a Yu Zai Zai can resolve all discomforts.

But the cute and soft little breast wraps around me and talks, and when she talks, she will look at you intently with her beautiful big eyes——

This is a picture that people can't refuse and ignore! !
All the little brothers and sisters explained patiently with smiles on their faces, and even dared to tease her a few words in front of Yu Jinxiao, making the little cub laugh, that was a joy.

Gao Zhou sat next to Xiao Zai Zai to help take care of the children, while Shen Ji sat on the other side.

With elder brother Shen Ji, Yu Yuanyuan has already left her father aside.

Yu Jinxiao, who was sitting opposite, had the illusion of being robbed of favor.

However, as soon as he had something to eat, Xiao Zai Zai babbled and ate so concentratingly that he squeezed out the time to talk to Shen Ji, leaving only a little time.

Gao Zhou was concentrating on deboning and dismantling the little guy beside him, and his movements were fast, which caused Yu Yuanyuan to also concentrate on eating.

Compared with Shen Ji, who was speaking politely, his elegant eating posture seemed to be like eating a small dinosaur.

As if Yu Yuanyuan was afraid of being hungry, Gaozhou picks up vegetables at such a fast speed, the little cub who concentrates on eating uses both hands and spoons, as if turning out flowers with his usually clumsy claws.

At the same time, he accidentally spilled the oil on Shen Ji's white shirt.

At first, Yu Yuanyuan didn't realize it, but Gao Zhou followed the splashing oil droplets and looked at the stunned Shen Ji, and his action of picking up vegetables also stopped.

With no food to eat, Yu Yuanyuan had time to read the air.

Everyone was silent, even my father was looking in the direction of Shen Ji's brother...

Xiao Zai Zai put down his oily little hands and followed suit.

After seeing a few spots of oil on the white shirt that were bigger than fingernails, Yu Yuanyuan glanced over Yu Jinxiao and Gao Zhou in confusion, as if to determine who the culprit was.

The three pairs of eyes successfully pointed out the target to Yu Yuanyuan, she followed everyone's line of sight... and found out that it was herself!

The guilty little Zaizai put down the food and asked nervously, "Did Yuanyuan do it?"

Yu Jinxiao frowned: "Who else could it be if it wasn't you?"

All three pairs of eyes saw it!

On the white and clean clothes, several spots of oil suddenly appeared, lying in the most eye-catching position.

"Ah, yes, Buji!!" Xiao Zaizai immediately grabbed a tissue to wipe his hands, and excitedly wanted to climb down from the chair: "Yuanyuan wash it up for Brother Shen Ji!!"

"It's okay, let's eat first." Shen Ji would not blame Xiao Zai Zai for such a trivial matter.

"Yuanyuan can be cleaned!" The cub who refused to eat insisted on washing, and even slipped off the baby chair by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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