Chapter 320

Yu Jinxiao didn't have the position to ask more questions. Shen Ji was a very independent child, and his thoughts could not be matched by the thinking of ordinary children.

Xiao Zai Zai, who didn't smell anything wrong at all, was still talking about the car accident just now, whining and saying that he was afraid, unless...he had ice cream to feel a little more at ease.

Everyone knew what Yu Yuanyuan was planning, but Yu Jinxiao knew that the little glutinous rice ball was frightened, so he rarely allowed her to go back to eat a small ice cream ball at night.

Shen Ji, who had just returned home, had not had a chance to quiet his mind for a few minutes when he heard his sister screaming.

It seemed that the auntie refused to give her snacks, so harsh scolding rang out in the living room.

Shen Ji, who grew up in this kind of environment every day, is already used to it. As soon as he took out his textbook and put it on the table, the door was kicked open.

My brother came in with an exercise book and a ball in his hand.

With a clatter, the exercise book was thrown onto Shen Ji's desk: "Help me with my homework, I'm going out to play."

Shen Ji frowned slightly, staring at the window in a daze, turning a deaf ear to his words.

The elder brother who was about to go out turned back and raised the volume impatiently: "Hey, do you hear that? Are you deaf?"

no respond.

It seems that the one sitting on the chair is just a statue, who cannot hear or see, let alone pay attention to his words.

The older brother, who was used to instructing Shen Ji on weekdays, raised his hand angrily and pushed him hard: "Shen Ji, don't play dumb for me, do you want to have nothing to eat at night? You..."

Before the words fell, my brother felt his wrist was firmly grasped.

What he felt was no longer the icy coldness of the past, but an overly scalding heat.

It was as if the magma was tumbling in anger, burning his wrist and heart to the point of being as painful as a rupture.

"Let go, you unlucky ghost, let go!!!" My brother screamed in fright, turning his wrist vigorously to break free.

But the more he moved, the more Shen Ji's glove slid upwards, if it continued like this, he would soon touch the skin of Shen Ji's palm.

The fear welling up in my heart made my brother obediently quiet, like a quail in an instant, and immediately put on a face of apologetic smile: "It's fine if you don't do it, hehe, I'll write later at night, hehehe."

Shen Ji still didn't speak, and refused to let go, staring blankly out of the window for a long while, before turning his eyes on him as if he had recovered.

It's okay not to look, but when he met those indifferent and cold gazes, my brother was shocked, and an uncontrollable strong fear surged in his bones.

"You... what do you want?" My brother pretended to be calm, but his stammering tone betrayed his panic.

Shen Ji's eyes were like sharp ice picks: "I'm not in the mood for you today, get out."

"Get out... just get out, let go." The elder brother was so frightened that he didn't even dare to move, for he was afraid that he would accidentally touch Shen Ji's hand.

Anger surged in the depths of his black eyes, but it seemed more like he was hiding something in his mind that could not be understood by others, densely packed to cover up the little light that was finally in his eyes.

Raising his hand to shake his brother away, Shen Ji picked up the exercise book on the table and threw it on him: "Take everything together."

"Let's go." The elder brother quickly picked up the scattered notebooks and moved outside, only daring to vent his anger by silently cursing at Shen Ji's back.

The Yu family who had already returned home had a completely different atmosphere.

As soon as he stepped into the house, Yu Zaizai took the servant to chirp and chatter about today's thrilling experience.

It was the first time Yu Jinxiao saw Xiao Zai Zai's expressive ability soar to an extreme.

Just when Yu Yuanyuan was talking enthusiastically, Yu Jinxiao's phone rang, and the name displayed on it made him raise his eyebrows a little unexpectedly.


"Mr. Yu, do you have time on weekends?"

(End of this chapter)

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