The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 321 I will be a person who will do great things from now on

Chapter 321 I will be a person who will do great things from now on

After Kekepanpan used the vocabulary he had learned all his life to talk about the situation outside the video game store, Xiao Zaizai was so tired that he leaned on the sofa and gasped for breath.

Aunt Chen and Sister Bei were frightened, they grabbed Yu Yuanyuan and checked her repeatedly several times, as if they refused to believe her unless they confirmed with their own eyes that she was fine.

However, Xiao Zai Zai was clean and there was no bump at all, which shows that Mr. Yu protected her well at that time.

Yu Jinxiao, who finished talking on the phone next to him, glanced at the Yuanyuan cake spread out on the sofa, and asked, "Yu Yuanyuan, are you tired from playing today?"

"I'm tired." Xiao Yuanbing said in a dignified manner on the sofa.

She was happy at first, but she was frightened by the motorcycle, but now that she thinks about it, her little heart still thumps.

correct!Her ice cream!

Xiao Zaizai jumped up and asked Aunt Chen to get him an ice cream ball. He looked like a little sunflower waiting to be watered.

After obtaining Yu Jinxiao's permission with her eyes, Aunt Chen brought Xiao Zai Zai her favorite flavor. When the two elder brothers came down from the stairs, Yu Yuanyuan chattered again, talking about today's adventures while eating again.

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze had never seen this kind of situation before, they were frightened on the spot, children are always children.

But seeing Yu Yuanyuan alive and well, and her father reprimanding her for eating ice cream and not talking, there shouldn't be a big problem.

"Yu Yuanyuan, do you want to play tomorrow?" Yu Jinxiao asked her to come and sit down.

"Go and play Shimo!!" Xiao Zaizai completely lost the trembling little appearance just now when he heard it.

"play golf."

"Ah..." Xiao Zai Zai, whose expression gradually became sluggish, looked confused, "Who is Golf, and why did you hit him?"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." You have an incredible brain circuit, and you will be a person who will do great things in the future.

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze next to them were already out of breath from laughing, and wanted to explain to Yu Jinxiao, but it was so funny that they couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"Golf is a sport, not a person," said the whole family, and only Yu Jinxiao seemed calm because he was speechless, "Are you going to play?"

"I'll go!" Yu Yuanyuan gnawed on the ice cream, but she couldn't tell if she was happy or refused.

Yu Jinxiao: "?" I suspect that this is an interjection.

However, such a small cub doesn't usually use a mobile phone or a computer, so he probably doesn't understand the other meaning behind these two words.

Yu Jinxiao thought that she wanted to go.

"Do Mingxi and Yingze want to go?" After receiving Yu Yuanyuan's reply, they couldn't ignore the two sons in the family.

Yu Mingxi sighed, and said: "Tomorrow, I happened to ask my classmates to go to the library together."

The eldest son gently declined.

Yu Yingze also shook his head: "I have already agreed to play football with my friends."

The second son directly declined.

Unexpectedly, when the children in the family grow up, they will have their own lives, and they will no longer pester him to play together, Yu Jinxiao suddenly feels a little melancholy.

In the whole family, only that little glutinous rice ball is willing to accompany him!

Xiao Zai Zai, who doesn't know much about golf, only knows to play. Anyway, he is playing with Ba Ba, so it doesn't matter how he plays.

Waking up early the next day, Aunt Chen specially chose a trouser suit for her, her hair was also tied into a neat ponytail, and even the clumsy little cub had a refreshing sporty look.

When they arrived at the golf course, what Yu Yuanyuan saw was an uncle whom he had never seen before, not even Gao Susu was there this time.

There are two more... little brother, huh?No, it looks familiar!
"Yunqing, Yunlan, come here." After the kind-hearted uncle greeted her, he called his son to him.

Aren't these the twins who live in the same villa area as her!
(End of this chapter)

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