The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 322 Is it paper paste?Scared by this?

Chapter 322 Is it paper paste?Scared by this?
"Hey, it's you guys!" Yu Yuanyuan didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here.

There was no smile on the faces of Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan, especially after seeing the little cub, the uneasiness and apprehension became more and more obvious.

It seemed that what was in front of him was a small gas tank that could explode at any moment.

Cubs who have learned to read a little bit of air can't read this complicated situation.

"Yunqing, Yunlan and Yuanyuan had some conflicts before, I'm really sorry," Mo Yanrui grabbed the two sons, one on the left and one on the right, smiling hypocritically like wearing a mask, "It's because they are ignorant and mischievous. I hope Yuanyuan and Mr. Yu don't remember the faults of villains."

Yu Jinxiao also heard about the conflicts between the three children before.

Including Yu Mingxi taking advantage of their weaknesses to let the twins wash their dirty clothes.

It is best to resolve children's conflicts among children.

In Yu Jinxiao's view, Yu Mingxi's handling was just right, not to offend Mo Yanrui, but also to teach the twins a lesson.

After knowing this, Yu Jinxiao was quite surprised, he didn't expect Yu Mingxi to have such a dark side.

"Mr. Mo, the past is over, but children's education is very important, and there should be no negligence." Yu Jinxiao did not intend to pursue the fault of the two twins.

It's just that in the details he knew, he vaguely knew that Mo Yanrui's education for the children was not right.

Using "wrong" to describe it is still vague, and it can actually be regarded as distortion.

It's not just the twins' fault that their personalities have become like this.

"Understood," Mo Yanrui nodded with a smile. One second he was still smiling, but the next he kicked each of the two children. "Apologize, please apologize to Yuanyuan."

Accompanied by his slap, the back of the twins rattled.

The sound was like thunder, and the immature face was instantly covered with a shadow of pain.

Yu Jinxiao didn't think he was a good-tempered person either, most of his patience was tempered to a soft point after bringing Yu Yuanyuan back.

But Mo Yanrui's unexpected operation was completely unexpected.

"I was wrong, I'm sorry Yuanyuan, woo woo woo, I was wrong." The twins were so beaten that they couldn't stand, and both knelt on the ground, holding their heads and trembling.

Yu Yuanyuan, who had never been beaten since childhood, looked dumbfounded.

She stood there motionless, Yu Jinxiao felt something was wrong, stretched out his fingers and tapped her head lightly.

At this point, it seemed as if some terrible switch had been turned on, and a mournful cry resounded: "Wooahah—"

When Yu Yuanyuan cried like this, Mo Yanrui was so frightened that he didn't dare to hit the child anymore, and stood there with his hands raised.

Could it be that he accidentally bumped into Yu Yuanyuan when he was doing it just now?
"What's wrong?" Yu Jinxiao hugged her up to coax her, frowning and wiped her tears, "Why are you crying?"

"Baba, didn't you say that golf is a sport and not beating people?" Yu Yuanyuan twitched in fright, "Why do you want to beat people, woo woo woo, it's so scary."

Yu Yuanyuan, who had never seen such a beating scene, was so frightened that she hid in her father's arms.

It seemed that the uncle would hit her after beating his own child.

Mo Yanrui raised his hand in embarrassment and asked, "Did I accidentally hit Yuanyuan?"

Yu Jinxiao is familiar with the road: "No, you scared her."

Mo Yanrui: "..." Was it paper?Scared by this?

"Stop beating," Xiao Yuanyuan hiccupped cutely, and waved her hands desperately, "Uncle, don't hit people, don't hit people, woohoo, beating is wrong."

Not only Mo Yanrui was stunned, even the twins forgot the pain.

They were the ones who were beaten, why did that little cub cry worse than them? ?
(End of this chapter)

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