The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 323 Yuanyuan...Have you decided on a baby kiss?

Chapter 323 Yuanyuan...Have you decided on a baby kiss?
Probably because someone cried worse than myself, they would subconsciously forget that they were going to cry.

The twins' eyes turned red when they saw Yu Yuanyuan crying, and they looked so pitiful.

Both of their backs and legs hurt, but they just stood up and raised their hands to coax her not to cry.

"Are you going to the hospital?" Xiao Zai Zai asked crying, "If you are injured, you need to go to the hospital."

Being used to beating since childhood, this little beating is considered very light for the twins.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan's crying stopped her father's violent beating in time, otherwise her skin might peel off today.

"It's fine, we're fine," the twins even managed to coax her with a smile, "it's really fine, look, we can still walk around."

Xiao Zaizai was dubious, frowned and looked at them for a long time, two little claws put on their shoulders one from the left and one from the right: "If... If the tie is not messy, you have to tell Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan will take you... Go to the doctor!"

"I know, I know." The little guy looked good, and the twins smiled and nodded in response.

After caring about the twins, Yu Yuanyuan sniffed, then turned her eyes to Mo Yanrui with a serious face.

"Susu!" Mo Yanrui's heart trembled sharply upon hearing the milky voice.

Mo Yanrui: "Huh?" He still didn't realize how such a scene could happen.

In the past, when two rebels in his family got into trouble, when he taught them a lesson in front of those people, those children always smiled smugly, as if they felt that it was very relieved.

As time goes by, Mo Yanrui is also a little confused whether he is venting the anger of others or venting the depression in his heart.

The original intention was to please Yu Jinxiao and relieve Yu Yuanyuan from being bullied before.

It's good now, it just scared the other's daughter to tears, and did a reverse operation.

After calming down, Mo Yanrui found that Yu Yuanyuan didn't seem to hate his two sons that much, and even spoke very familiarly.

I don't understand, I really don't understand.

"Susu, you can't hit someone, it's wrong to hit someone," the serious little guy said like a little teacher, "Speak well if you have something to say."

For a moment, Mo Yanrui felt that he was not as awake as a child.

"Okay, okay, Yuanyuan is right." Mo Yanrui smiled and nodded cooperatively.

Xiao Zai Zai stared at Mo Yanrui for a while, then asked: "Susu, will you be a good boy?"

Mo Yanrui: "Huh?"

Yu Jinxiao tapped the tip of Xiao Zai Zai's nose, frowned and emphasized: "Uncle is not young, it is impossible to be a good 'child'."

"Then be a good man!"


Yu Jinxiao's father and daughter said something to each other, making the oppressive atmosphere more active.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Mo Yanrui wouldn't have believed it, the rumors outside were actually true!
The story of Yu Jinxiao adopting a little girl has been widely spread in the business world. Everyone originally thought that this daughter was adopted to make up for the pain of losing a daughter.

Now it seems... Yu Jinxiao really puts her on the tip of his heart and pets her, holding her in his palm like a treasure.

Sure enough, it is useful to please that little milk bag!
"Mr. Yu, why don't we start?" Mo Yanrui coaxed Yuanyuan Cub again, his eyes almost narrowed due to the cuteness.

In his previous dictionary, children are troublesome, destroyers, and only cause headaches.

But why is his daughter so cute?Like a sweet little padded jacket.

"Baba, do you eat fruit?" A caring voice came from the other side of the table.

Just as Yu Jinxiao was about to exert strength while holding the club, she interrupted him: "Don't eat."

"Would you like to drink some water~"

"Don't drink."


"Yu Yuanyuan, why do you have so many questions?"

Xiao Zaizai stuck out his tongue and shook his feet gently on the chair: "Yuanyuan still has [-] questions!"

Ten thousand! ! ? ?
kill him! !

Just when Yu Jinxiao tried to keep calm and prepare to play with a blank face, Mo Yanrui from the next door moved over mysteriously and asked in a low voice, "Mr.

(End of this chapter)

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