The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 330 Do you think this little guy has no shortcomings?

Chapter 330 Do you think this little guy has no shortcomings?
"That's not it." Disappointed that the cub was not fed, he gave up resistance in disappointment.

Yu Jinxiao patted her on the head and said as usual: "Go and play."

"Okay," Zai Zai, who was still happy after a fall, ran back to Bei Yan's side, "Bei Yan, you are amazing, Yuanyuan is so heavy, you can throw it so far!"

Gu Beiyan: ...

Don't say it, don't say it, although I am young, I also want to save face, woo woo woo.

The faces of Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan next to him were frightening, and their eyes were fixed on Gu Beiyan's back, as if they wanted to tear him apart.

Dare to let Yuanyuan fall so hard, I'm afraid I won't want her life anymore!

Gu Beiyan wished he could just dig a hole and hide in it.

"I'm sorry, Yuanyuan, I didn't do it on purpose," Gu Beiyan, who was anxious to show off the stick in his hand, lowered his head, his voice lost as if he was about to cry in a second, "I'm sorry."

"It's all right, Yuanyuan is really all right, let's continue playing ball, shall we?" Even though it was the little guy who wrestled, she turned to comfort the mournful Gu Beiyan.

Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan felt as if they had been hit in the chest by something, and the little cutie in front of them seemed to be shrouded in a gleam of light, divinely unlike anything in the world.

Woohoo, Yuanyuan is really kind and cute.

More than three children, even Gu Jingye and Mo Yanrui were directly hit in the heart by that cutie, if it wasn't for the sake of face, they would have screamed on the spot.

People raise cubs, and they also raise cubs.

But his own cub is a little troublesome, while other people's cubs are angels.

Even though the two people around him didn't say anything, Yu Jinxiao could read envy from the way they looked at him.

Hehe, you mortals.

You guys haven't seen Yu Yuanyuan's headache before!

Just seeing her little angel side, do you think this little guy has no flaws?

Her flaws...

Thinking of this, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help being taken aback.

It's as if her flaws are fine.

All of a sudden, he couldn't remember any of them.

If you have to count, eat a lot.

Gu Beiyan's first game was aborted, and Mo Yunqing and Mo Yunlan were replaced by Mo Yunqing.

The twins are older and spend more time participating than Gu Beiyan. Their playing posture is smooth and handsome, and they scored a hole in one.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was watching, clapped her hands repeatedly: "Wow, wow, it's amazing, it's amazing!!"

"Yuanyuan, you can do it too," Mo Yunqing seized the best position before the others recovered, helped Yu Yuanyuan hold the club, and taught her how to swing, "This way... aim ... hit the ball!"

With a bang, the ball flew into the air, rolled a few times and went straight into the hole.

But this operation was completed with the assistance of Mo Yunqing, so it cannot be entirely credited to Yu Yuanyuan.

Yu Yuanyuan was very excited when she scored a goal for the first time, and she clamored to try it herself.

The smile on Mo Yunqing's face froze: "Yuanyuan, do you really know it?"

"Yes, Yuanyuan really will." Xiao Zai Zai assured with a pat on the heart.

Mo Yunqing pondered for a moment, then let go of her hand: "Then try it yourself, be careful, don't hurt yourself."

It's finally time for her to play alone! !

Xiao Zai Zai held the cue stick and gestured around the ball for a long time, when he suddenly found that there was no sound around him?
She turned her head, and the twins who were by her side just now had already stood behind the stool in the rest area.

Gu Beiyan was more straightforward, squatting under the table.

(End of this chapter)

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