The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 331 There is a Dark Shark!

Chapter 331 There is a Dark Shark!

"Why are you all running back? Aren't you cheering for Yuanyuan?" Gu Jingye, who arrived later and didn't know much about Yu Yuanyuan, asked curiously.

Mo Yanrui smiled, and moved the stool back: "It's the same to cheer here."

Yu Jinxiao, who was standing nearby, simply retreated behind the billboard, only showing his legs: "Safety is more important."

Gu Jingye:?

I don't quite understand what you are talking about.

"Dad, you also find a cover." Gu Beiyan persuaded under the table in a low voice.

"Why?" Gu Jingye, who had a gentle smile on his face, had no idea what he was about to face, "You guys are too exaggerated."


Gu Beiyan had seen too many manipulations by Yu Yuanyuan in kindergarten.

He likes Yuanyuan very much, but without Xiao Ming, he can't like Yuanyuan any more!

So, he had to save himself first.

Not to mention the twins and Mo Yanrui who had seen Yu Yuanyuan operate just now, their whole bodies were tense, and they found an excellent shelter position and made perfect preparations.

"Aren't you cheering for Yuanyuan?" There was nothing around her, and Yu Yuanyuan seemed to have no motivation.

This look of loss hit Gu Jingye's heart in an instant, he got up quickly, and instead of hiding, he said, "I'll cheer for Yuanyuan!!"

"Thank you Gu Susu!"

What a cute little milk voice, Gu Beiyan didn't have this kind of accent before.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was holding the club, tried a few times around the ball, and finally found the feel, and swung hard!
This time it's not the club that takes off, it's the ball that takes off.

Looks like it worked?
But at the same time as the ball took off, a rock the size of a finger also took off.

For Yu Yuanyuan, the golf hole seemed far away. She used [-]% of her strength when swinging the golf club, and even said "hey" to encourage herself.

The stones that were sent flying together quickly bounced to the railing next to it, and then bounced back quickly again, hitting Gu Jingye's navel like a bullet.

Just as he was about to applaud Yu Yuanyuan, he was stiff on the spot, the pain spread from his navel to all around, the pain made him almost burst into tears.

There is...someone Dark Shark!
Gu Jingye stumbled back, and Gu Beiyan, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately pushed the chair over, just in time to catch his father.

"Mr. Gu, are you alright? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Yu Jinxiao already knew that this would be the result, but he did not expect such a tragedy.

Gu Jingye, who was sitting on the chair, turned pale: "'s okay."

Mo Yanrui leaned over with yin and yang and said strangely: "Don't hold on, this kind of thing can be big or small, in case of death..."

" won't happen, right?" Gu Jingye's expression became even uglier.

Yu Yuanyuan felt that she hit a good shot, although the ball missed the hole, but she hit it!
How come no one praises her?

Looking back, a group of people surrounded Uncle Gu, as if listening to some last words, the scene was once serious and dignified.

"What's the matter with Uncle Gu?" Yu Yuanyuan, who walked over dragging the cue, asked with her innocent eyes blinking.

For a moment, Gu Jingye felt that what she was dragging was not a cue, but a sickle that could end his head with one blow.

The pain in his belly button came and went, making him shiver involuntarily.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you hit Uncle Gu in the stomach, come over and apologize." Yu Jinxiao pointed at the other end, motioning for Xiao Zai Zai to come and pay for his mistake.

Who knew that Yu Yuanyuan looked left and right, and then raised the pole in his hand to look: "Well, Yuanyuan's club is here, and the ball is also at the other end!"

The implication is that she doesn't understand why she hit Gu Jingye.

(End of this chapter)

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