The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 332 Dad, Don't Die

Chapter 332 Dad, Don't Die

"It's's nothing." Gu Jingye, who was dying, slumped on the chair, trying to ease the atmosphere, "I can't die, it's nothing."

What? ?Can't die? !Is it so serious!

Gu Beiyan, who cared about his father, was frightened and froze on the spot.

"Father, don't die!" Gu Beiyan's head was numb, crying and hugging his father and shouting.

When he called out like that, Yu Zaizai was completely frightened.

what! !

Did she kill Uncle Gu? ?

The dull eyes turned into thick sadness, and Yu Yuanyuan's heart was full of storms.

Throwing the cue with her little hand, she rushed over and hugged Gu Jingye together: "Uncle Gu, you have to wash it (you don't want to die)!"

The two children were crying miserably, their voices getting louder than the other.

The corners of Mo Yanrui's mouth twitched enviously while watching the play.

Heh, he didn't even have a chance to hug Yuanyuan, but Gu Jingye actually got Yuanyuan's active hug!

Gu Jingye was stunned by the cries from one left and one right.

What?Is he dying?Not right.

Isn't it just being hit by a stone in the navel, will this kill someone?

Seeing Gu Jingye's eyes becoming more and more frightened, Yu Jinxiao helplessly raised his forehead...

This is all and what.

It's so good, how come it looks like it's about to die.

He raised his hand to grab Yu Zaizai back, and stabilized his child's emotions first: "Uncle Gu can't die, he was hit in the stomach by the stone you accidentally hit..."

"It's over, Uncle Gu is leaking air!" Before her father finished speaking, Yu Yuanyuan's confused thoughts made up something even more terrible.

Gu Beiyan was crying on the other end: "Dad, don't leak your breath... No, Dad, don't die."

"Okay!" Mo Yanrui was stunned by a group of children crying, and the two children were shocked by a loud shout, and instantly became a silent quail.

The twins were also frightened by their father, thinking it was a prelude to anger, and habitually lowered their heads to receive the punishment.

Who knew that Mo Yanrui suddenly put on a smiling face, stepped forward and patted Yu Yuanyuan on the head: "Yuanyuan, don't be afraid, Uncle Gu is fine, he just got hit up and down, it's a trivial matter."

Gu Jingye finally regained his senses, touched his stomach that had no feeling, and said with a smile: "Yes, I'm fine, you see~~"

In order to take care of his son and Yuanyuan's emotions, Gu Jingye raised his hands and stood up and walked around a few times.

It's like performing pantomime, dancing with hands and feet, just to dispel the worries and fears in the hearts of children.

However, for young children, being able to move around means that it is not a big problem.

Gu Beiyan wiped away his tears and sobbed, "It's good that you're fine, Dad."

"Don't cry, don't cry, keep playing," Gu Jingye patted his son's shoulder, motioning them to play with their own, " careful."

"Okay!" Saying that, Yu Yuanyuan ran back to pick up her cue again, and called Gu Beiyan to play together.

What happened just now left Gu Beiyan with lingering fears.

This time Dad was hit in the stomach, will he be hit in the head next time?
No one told him that porridge Yuanyuan could be so dangerous!

However, after a brief second of consideration in his heart, Gu Beiyan was still reluctant to give up Yuanyuan's invitation, and bravely stepped forward with his cue.

Seeing this, Mo Yanrui elbowed the two sons: "What are you doing standing there? Have you been robbed of your chance without seeing it!"

The twins suddenly realized.

That's right, Yuanyuan actually invited that short wax gourd, and the special place standing beside her has already been taken! !
(End of this chapter)

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