The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 335 Suspect Meow

Chapter 335 Suspect Meow

The always good-tempered little Zai Zai actually complained?
Yu Jinxiao only finds it funny, the only time when Yu Yuanyuan's IQ is on the line is probably when he wants to eat snacks and delicious food, all kinds of fallacies and maneuvers.

"If you're hungry, I'll ask Aunt Chen to cook three big bowls of white rice for you."

Is it difficult to treat this little cub?No.

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuanyuan gave an anxious "Ah" and quickly said, "Yuanyuan doesn't eat white rice, but Yuanyuan wants to eat ice cream!"

"I can't get enough of ice cream."

"Yuanyuan can eat three." The three chubby fingers stood up confidently.

Yu Jinxiao closed her three fingers together: "Absolutely not. If you eat three, you will go directly to the hospital. Do you want to be needled?"

what! !Acupuncture!
Recalling the fear of the physical examination before, Yu Yuanyuan stopped talking and tried to shrink herself down again and again, wishing that the whole meow could be buried in the chair.

It seemed that the scaring had worked, and I didn't hear Xiao Zai Zai talking about eating ice cream until I got home.

Today's sun is very warm, the sunshine in early winter is really rare, Yu Yuanyuan ran to play with Dahua as soon as she entered the yard.

The big ugly cat was lying in the sun, squinting lazily.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at it and walked upstairs, not interested in teasing that ugly cat.

As soon as he entered the study, he felt something was wrong on the table.

The pen holder inlaid with gold-cut diamonds fell on the table, and those expensive pens were scattered all over the table.

The cable on the computer also seemed to have been bitten by something, with one or two small holes.

The books and papers on the table were also messed up, and there was a fine hair about the same color as Dahua's fur on the topmost document.

Yu Jinxiao frowned and didn't touch the things on the table, subconsciously turned his gaze to the window next to him.

Probably just after cleaning in the morning, the windows were still open, and the curtains were blown away by the wind, as if deliberately letting Yu Jinxiao discover this entrance where he could come and go freely.

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze haven't come back yet, but even if they were at home, it's impossible for them to make this happen.

Not to mention servants.

No one dared to touch his things like this.

Even Yu Zaizai, who was the most suspicious, was taken out to play by him. In the whole family... there was only one cat who was the most suspicious!
To be cautious, Yu Jinxiao first called Aunt Chen and the others to the study, and after questioning, he made sure that no one had entered the study.

It's just that Brother Jiang didn't remember to close the window after cleaning it.

Then, Yu Jinxiao twisted the suspect/cat's fur with toilet paper, no one dared to speak for Dahua, only Aunt Chen brought up another possibility - a mouse.

Although Dahua took away the mouse that often came to make trouble before, there were no other mice in the house.

But the villa area is so big, it is not surprising to have another mouse.

But Yu Jinxiao even suspected that Da Hua had sneaked into the house to play and accidentally made it like this.

After confirming that it had nothing to do with the servant, Yu Jinxiao ordered the suspect to be brought to the study for interrogation.

A few minutes later, it wasn't Suspect Meow who came up, but Yu Yuanyuan.

"Yu Yuanyuan, the big flower has entered the room." Pointing to the table, Yu Jinxiao wanted to see how the little boy would react, "We agreed before, right?"

As early as down below, Yu Yuanyuan heard from Sister Bei that Dad caught Dahua up there to convict him!

However, Xiao Zai Zai asked Da Hua about it, and it played nearby all afternoon, and never entered the study upstairs.

"Father, hold the evidence!" Xiao Zai Zai, who vowed to clear Dahua's grievances, said with his hands on his hips, "If you don't have evidence, you can't be can't be wronged."

(End of this chapter)

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