The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 336 Strange Things

Chapter 336 Strange Things
"Isn't this the evidence?" Yu Jinxiao pointed to the fur on the paper, which was exactly the same color as Da Hua's fur.

Xiao Zaizai stared at it for a while, his brain spinning faster than ever before: "But Dafa is not the only one with this color, Yuanyuan has seen a mouse, that mouse is scary, and it also has this color of Mao Mao."

"Then what evidence do you have that the rats did it?"

Yu Yuanyuan, who was asked by her father, was taken aback for a moment, and stammered to support herself: "Yuanyuan wants to find...find clues!"

Thinking of the cartoons and what Chu Qi said in kindergarten, she followed suit, like a little detective, and asked Yu Jinxiao to stand at the door.

She has to search around the table, maybe she can find clues to prove that Dahua is innocent.

The floor is covered with a light beige carpet, the light under the table is dim, and the cub is small, lying on the ground like a kitten scanner, watching inch by inch.

"I found it!" Yu Yuanyuan said, and the servants gathered around him, "There is a mark of something being chewed on here."

Brother Jiang reached out and touched the corner of the table, and said based on his own judgment: "This gnawing method really doesn't look like Dahua's. Dahua's teeth are not the double row of teeth of this rodent."

"Is it really a mouse??" Sister Bei already had goosebumps all over her back.

The scene of being scared by the mouse before is still vivid in her memory. She is most afraid of that thing in her life, and she doesn't want to encounter it again! !

"There's another weird thing here," Xiao Zai Zai, who was lying on the carpet, pointed carefully with his fingers, as if it was important and indestructible evidence at the scene, "some rice fell under the table."

Aunt Chen originally didn't want to get involved with young people, but when she heard that there was rice on the ground, she suddenly lost her composure.

She usually vacuums when cleaning the study room, so she didn't find any dropped rice for no reason.

She has very strict requirements on her work, and no dust will fall wherever she can reach and where she can't see.

"Mi? Where is Mi?" The heads of four adults and one child gathered together to form a stunted flower.

Xiao Zai Zai pointed in mid-air with his finger: "Here, it's black rice balls, the color of the rice balls that Auntie made for Yuan Yuan before."

black rice?

Everyone was even more confused. They haven't eaten black rice for the past seven days, so why would black rice come to Yu Jinxiao's room? ? ?

Brother Jiang poked it with his hand, and got goosebumps on the spot, and shouted hoarsely: "It's mouse shit!!!!"


Except for Yu Yuanyuan, everyone stepped aside with a swipe, and the atmosphere in the study suddenly became tense.

Even Yu Jinxiao felt as if there was an ambush somewhere, the study room with so many people became so quiet, and the tense atmosphere was like a fully drawn bow, which might erupt at any time.


A black shadow suddenly appeared from the corner of the bookcase on the left.

The fluffy gray body is extremely fast, crawling around like a popping ball.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was still lying on the ground, didn't react, and looked at the mouse that got out.

The fear in her heart reached its peak in an instant, and Yu Yuanyuan jumped up on the spot, still on all fours, like a frightened kitten, meowing and wailing endlessly.

Yu Jinxiao was not afraid of mice, but when he saw that this group of people was frightened into a mess, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Especially looking at Yu Yuanyuan's pitiful snot and tears, he stretched out his hand to grab the cub into his arms, and casually twisted a bronze ornament on the left.

"Meow——" a mighty meow sounded from the window.

It was the first time Yu Jinxiao saw Da Hua standing so upright, majestic and domineering on the window frame, and yelling at the mouse intimidatingly.

(End of this chapter)

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