Chapter 339
Brother Jiang wanted to have the cheek to put the umbrella up before talking, but Yu Jinxiao's eyes upstairs seemed to give him two knives.

My life is of the utmost importance, Brother Jiang can only put away the umbrella in silence, dragging the equipment in embarrassment to prepare to leave.

"Brother Jiang, go get fat," Xiao Zai Zai did not wave his claws and said, "This is a contest between Yuanyuan and Baba, and Yuanyuan will not lose."

In a small piece of green world that has finally calmed down, only one cub and one cat are left.

Dahua lay lazily on the ground, raised her cat's head and asked, "Why are you sitting here? Your father seems very angry. Is it because Ben came into the house?"

Xiao Zaizai pouted, and patted Dahua's back in aggrieved way: "Father is too good, Dafa you help catch that bad mouse, but he wants to drive you away."

"I'm used to it," Dahua yawned, "You'll go back when it gets dark, and I'm going to find a new place to stay..."

Before she finished speaking in a hurry, Yu Yuanyuan picked up Dahua and hugged her tightly in her arms: "No, Dafa don't leave!"

Dahua sighed, nestled down and did not speak.

It is not willing to leave Xiao Zai Zai, but it does not want to cause her to turn against the family because of its own existence.

This human cub is still so young, and it is impossible to feed her mice, so there is no way to wander with it.

When the sun shines in the afternoon, it’s nice to sit on the grass, a bit like a picnic.

But after four o'clock, the sun receded into the clouds, the wind rustled the leaves, and the surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

Xiao Zai Zai was a little cold, looking at the door of the house in front of him, he still refused to go back.

Dad hasn't promised her to keep Dafa!

"You go back, it's nothing to be wandering, I will come back to see you when I'm free." Da Hua said something that only Xiao Zai Zai could understand.

Yu Yuanyuan's heart was sore and uncomfortable, she hugged it and refused to let go: "No, Yuanyuan wants to see Dafa every day."

After staying at the door of the house for several hours, Dahua wanted to leave several times, but she was afraid that this human cub would be too sad.

During this time, they stayed and played together every day, and Dahua also regarded her as her best cat friend.

Yu Jinxiao thought that it would only take an hour before the little glutinous rice balls would compromise, but he didn't expect that it would take three and a half hours.

He is used to taking the initiative and holding everything in his hands. This is the first time he tried to be disturbed by others and unable to calm down.

In three and a half hours, he went to the window to look almost 10 times.

The little cub sat obediently at the door and didn't go anywhere, the fat cat was always by his side.

Occasionally dozed off and wobbled, the fat cat would considerately stand on tiptoe and push the little cub so that she wouldn't fall.

Yu Jinxiao frowned, feeling more and more that this cat didn't look like a cat at all!
He suddenly thought of Yu Yuanyuan saying that he could understand cats...

Is it true?
The thought is only fleeting.

How could he believe such absurd things?
Sure enough, after staying with that little boy for a long time, even his thinking has softened.

Yu Jinxiao returned to the table irritably, ready to browse the webpage to divert his attention.

But as soon as he sat down, a few big dogs suddenly barked outside.

The cry was rapid, accompanied by people's shouts, Yu Jinxiao's heart suddenly felt bad, and he got up again and rushed to the window to see the little cub sitting on the lawn.

A big black dog broke free from its owner's rope on the forked road ahead, and was rushing towards the seat where Yu Yuanyuan was sitting, exhaling excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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