The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 340 The Meow of the Yuanyuan Family

Chapter 340 The Meow of the Yuanyuan Family
The dog's body was much bigger than Yuanyuan's, like a small car, and it was fast and fierce.

Yu Jinxiao, who saw it upstairs, felt his heart tighten, and immediately rushed downstairs.

Just as he rushed out of the yard, there was a sharp and menacing cat meowing among the barking dogs.

Da Hua, who was much smaller than Yu Yuanyuan, jumped in front of Xiao Zai Zai, put all his limbs on the ground, raised his tail and fur, and barked ferociously at the dog.

The dog seemed to want to either attack Yu Yuanyuan or play with her, but with such a big body...even the invitation to play makes one's heart palpitate.

The big dog completely ignored the big flower, barking and raising its forelegs to pounce on the little cub's shoulder.

Yu Yuanyuan had never been in close contact with such a big dog before, and Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that she stood there dumbfounded, like a weathered statue, her small face was whitewashed, her feet seemed to be nailed to the lawn, and she didn't even have the energy to escape.

Threats with bristling fur didn't work, Da Hua bared her fangs, jumped up and threw herself at the dog's neck.

With a meow, it rode on the dog's back, thumping the dog's head with its paws.

The dog was beaten dizzily, whimpered pitifully, and shook its body to shake the big flower off.

But Dahua prostrated mightily on his back, meowing and screaming, and knocked several times with its claws, before jumping down to the ground mercifully.

When the owner who rushed over saw his dog being beaten, he immediately picked up a branch and wanted to beat Da Hua: "Where did the stray cat come from, get out, get out!"

The stunned little Zaizai finally came back to his senses, and quickly hugged Dahua into his arms: "Dafa is not a stray meow, it is a meow from Yuanyuan's family."

"Ah, but, your cat beat my dog," the master said, his voice getting smaller and smaller, and he glanced contemptuously at his big dog, which was frightened and trembling.

Bai Chang is so big that he can't even beat an ugly cat.

"It was your dog who threw at my child," Yu Jinxiao said coldly at the gate of the courtyard, "If the cat didn't stop it, with the weight of your dog, it would definitely make my child fall over."

Knowing that he was wrong, the master stammered and tried to argue, but when he met Yu Jinxiao's cold gaze, his heart trembled suddenly, and he didn't dare to find any more excuses.

After apologizing quickly, the owner dragged and dragged his big dog away.

Only Xiao Zai Zai, Da Hua and Yu Jinxiao remained in front of the grass.

Dahua, who was brave enough to save the cub just a second ago, actually squatted obediently behind the cub, and peeked nervously at the side of her chubby body, showing half of her cat's head.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Is Dahua afraid of him?

"Oh, dogs are not afraid, what's the matter? Are you scared when you see me?" Looking at Dahua's eyes full of connotations, Yu Jinxiao felt speechless and funny.

Is he more terrifying than a dog?

The big dog's mouth was bigger than Dahua's head, and it had fangs. If it really took a bite, the cat's life would be killed.

But the ugly cat was not afraid, it jumped in front of Yu Yuanyuan to protect her without hesitation, and even dared to jump on the dog to beat the dog.

"Ba Ba..." Xiao Zai Zai obediently stood up straight and did not move.

Perhaps it should be said that she was frightened by the dog just now, and her feet were still a little weak, and she couldn't move at all.

Yu Jinxiao ignored her, and looked down at the black ball squatting behind the little cub.

One person and one meow stared at each other for a long time, Yu Jinxiao suddenly said: "The big flower can stay..."

When Xiao Zai Zai heard this, he staggered excitedly, and immediately picked up Da Hua and wanted to enter the house.

Yu Jinxiao, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around and said, "I just said that Dahua can stay, isn't there some people who want to run away from home?"

(End of this chapter)

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