The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 341 You're Right

Chapter 341 You're Right

"Ah..." The pricked little Zai Zai's cheeks were pink, and he shrank his neck in embarrassment.

Yu Jinxiao's gaze shifted to Dahua, as if deliberately ignoring Xiao Zai Zai: "The ugly cat can stay, and some who want to run away from can go if you want."

"Puba~~~" The cutie who acted coquettishly in seconds wanted to rush over and give her a hug.

As a result, Yu Jinxiao quickened her pace, her claws flew into the air, and she couldn't hug anything.

Hearing the barking of the dog before, Aunt Chen was also worried that something would happen to the little cub at the door, so she had already gone upstairs and downstairs.

The servants crowded at the door, they could hear Yu Jinxiao saying that the big flowers could be kept in several ears, and almost danced with excitement.

They obediently gave way to the passage, and after watching Yu Jinxiao go upstairs, they all happily rushed out to hug the big flower and celebrate silently.

Uncle Yang twisted back and forth with Dahua in his arms, muttering: "Dahua, you have a home, I will open a can for you to eat every day from now on~~"

Especially Sister Bei is the happiest, with big flowers around, she is no longer afraid of mice sneaking in at home.

Everyone is very happy, very happy, except...

Xiao Zai Zai was depressed alone.

Dahua can stay, but her father is still angry with her, and Yu Yuanyuan can't be happy.

Thinking of his father's eyes when he said he ran away from home, Xiao Zai Zai's regret and sadness for being late surged, and he faintly realized that he had said something that hurt his father. can I apologize to my father?

The servants celebrated happily, but there was no sound from Xiao Zai Zai, which is not normal!
Only then did they shift their eyes from Da Hua to Xiao Zai Zai, the normally energetic Xiao Tang Yuan stood alone at the gate of the yard, with his head lowered, looking as pitiful as he could be.

"Miss Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" Aunt Chen squatted next to Xiao Zaizai and asked after tidying up her messy hair.

Xiao Zaizai raised his eyes and glanced at the window of the study on the second floor: "Yuanyuan made a mistake and made Baba angry."

The sadness in her heart made Yu Yuanyuan feel more and more uncomfortable as she thought about it, sucking her nose, her eyes gradually turned red.

Aunt Chen hugged the little guy distressedly, and comforted: "Miss Yuanyuan is still a child, it's normal to say or do wrong things, but if you make mistakes, correct them in time and apologize, Mr. Yu will definitely forgive you."

"Really?" Yu Yuanyuan blinked her tearful eyes and asked.

"Of course." The servants nodded in agreement.

Such a cute little glutinous rice ball, who can bear to be angry with her all the time?

As long as she says "To Buji", don't you have to forgive her for all the big things? !

Xiao Zaizai looked up at the upstairs window again, feeling empty and a little dazed.

Just say sorry to Dad?

right!Straightforward!She, Yuanyuan, will bravely face her mistakes!

The determined little milk bag grabbed the railing and climbed upstairs, and quietly pushed open the door of Dad's study room.

This time she didn't sneak attack, but stood obediently and straight at the door, with her hands behind her back, her small body shaking left and right embarrassingly.

"Baba~~~~" silently rehearsed twice in my heart, Yu Yuanyuan brewed a good atmosphere, and the milk said, "Yuanyuan shouldn't say that she ran away from home, Yuanyuan made a mistake, to Buji~~~ "

It took a long time for the serious figure in front of the desk to look up at her, his eyes glanced at the little guy at the door indifferently, and his tone was cold and calm: "You are right."

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan scratched her head, she really believed Yu Jinxiao's words.

If she's right, why does Dad still look so angry!

Little Miaomiao can't figure it out!
(End of this chapter)

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