Chapter 342
"If Yuanyuan is right, Dad won't be angry!" The innocent baby was about to go up to act like a baby, but was frightened away by the sharper coldness in Yu Jinxiao's eyes.

Woooooo, is she wrong or right?

Adults' brains are so difficult to understand.

Standing at the door of the study at a loss, Yu Yuanyuan thought she could wait for her father's explanation, but unexpectedly... her father was busy with work again and ignored her.

The little cub who was left behind stood at the door alone for a long time, and then exited the study in a dejected manner.

Yu Mingxi, who just came back from school, saw a drooping little cub in the corridor as soon as he went upstairs.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" Yu Mingxi's gentle voice was like the sun shining into the life of the little boy.

She sniffed, and rushed to her brother's side: "Yuanyuan is making Baba angry, brother, what should I do, woo woo woo."

Yu Mingxi didn't even have time to put down his schoolbag, he hugged the cub and walked into the room while coaxing him.

Through Xiao Zai Zai's confusing description, Yu Mingxi roughly figured out what happened.

In this matter, it is true that father sticks to the principle, and it is also true that Yu Yuanyuan wants to keep Dahua, but the father and daughter both have their own little emotions, no matter how big the age difference is, they seem to be in perfect sync.

Yu Mingxi sometimes felt that this little cub was carved out of the same mold as his father.

"Yuanyuan, don't worry, as long as you apologize to daddy, daddy will forgive you." Rubbing the little cub's furry head, Yu Mingxi's words made Yu Yuanyuan even more confused.

These words sound a bit familiar, as if Aunt Chen also said the same thing?

"But Yuanyuan just asked Dad to apologize, and Dad said Yuanyuan was right!" The little Zaizai tried hard to repeat without any emotion, she just couldn't understand, since Dad said she was right, why did she still look so angry?

As soon as Yu Mingxi heard it, he knew that his father was still angry with Xiao Zai Zai.

After all, "running away from home" or something sounds like a big deal.

Fortunately, that little cub was simple-minded. The so-called running away from home was just leaving the yard and sitting across from him.

Otherwise, Dad's anger may not be easy to calm down.

"That's Dad's angry words." Yu Mingxi worked hard to weave vocabulary, trying to help Yu Yuanyuan understand the meaning of the words, "It's like if Yuanyuan is angry, brother asks you if you want ice cream, and if you say no, it's true Don't you want to eat it? Nope."

"Wow, Yuanyuan understands." Xiao Zai Zai nodded desperately.

Sure enough, as long as one uses the example of eating, the comprehension ability will gradually improve, and one can draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

"But, how can Yuanyuan apologize to Dad so that Dad won't be angry?" Xiao Zai Zai, who finally opened up Ren Du's second channel, began to worry again.

Yu Mingxi was silent for a while, and gave a reminder: "Before my father apologized to Yuanyuan, he also made careful preparations, right?"

"Ah, cake!" Xiao Zai Zai understood instantly, "There is a crooked mother on it."

"Then Yuanyuan can also show similar intentions?"

Yu Mingxi's guidance inspired Yu Yuanyuan, Xiao Zai Zai nodded excitedly, got up and rushed back to the room.

Yu Mingxi, who didn't keep up with Xiao Zai Zai's thinking, froze in place.

The curiosity in his heart was aroused by the little milk bag, what kind of apology could that stupid little brain think of?

Back in the room, Xiao Zai Zai finally opened the door after almost half an hour of rustling, with a confident smile on his face.

She pushed away her father's study room again, and said loudly, "Dad—look at Yuanyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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