The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 347 Did You Offend Him?

Chapter 347 Did You Offend Him?

The outstretched claws received no response, and pitifully retracted back to the fence.

Looking at the direction in which Shen Ji left, Xiao Zai Zai felt a little uncomfortable.

Every time she called Brother Shen Ji, Brother Shen Ji would definitely hear her voice and immediately stop to talk with her.

But just now... Brother Shen Ji seems to have heard it.

His footsteps obviously paused for a while, but he walked away without looking back.


Depressed Zai Zai returned to the team, just in time to meet Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan.

Every time the two of them saw Yu Yuanyuan was full of vitality, it was rare to see such an eggplant-like cub like today.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter with you? Are you unhappy?" Gu Beiyan couldn't figure it out, she looked very happy when we met yesterday, how could it become like this overnight.

Xiao Zai Zai pursed his lips, not knowing where to start.

Wen Zifei who was next to him heard it, and smiled disdainfully: "The thing that can make Yu Yuanyuan unhappy is definitely not having enough breakfast."

Chu Qi: "..."

Gu Beiyan: "..."

While your tone is nasty, the odds of your argument are high!
"Wen Zifei, don't hate you..." Gu Beiyan choked back in displeasure, although he also thought it was possible, but Yu Yuanyuan's father was very rich, how could Yuanyuan not be able to eat enough? ? ?
Wen Zifei curled his lips, raised his eyebrows triumphantly and said, "The two-week time limit has passed, I am not Yu Yuanyuan's follower, remember."

"Hey," Xiao Zai Zai, who hadn't spoken for a long time, sighed, "Little Mosquito is not Yuan Yuan's entourage, but Yuan Yuan's friend."

Wen Zifei, who wanted to quarrel, was suddenly hit by a straight ball, as if he had strayed into a deer in the heart, and kept bumping into it.

Thinking about it carefully, in the past two weeks, Yu Yuanyuan never ordered him to do anything, nor did he make him do anything embarrassing.

Wen Zifei had to admit that he actually didn't hate Yu Yuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan, why are you sighing and feeling unwell?" Chu Qi ignored the two abnormal guys and reached out to touch Yu Yuanyuan's forehead.

The temperature is normal, no problem.

But today's Yu Yuanyuan is so abnormal that everyone can tell it at a glance.

Xiao Zaizai sighed again, and asked, "Yuanyuan has a good friend, and suddenly it's a little strange."

"Strange? Why is it so strange?" Gu Beiyan was instantly aroused with curiosity, and looked at the other two people around him, as if suspecting that the subject of the words was one of them.

"It's obviously not a friend from the kindergarten," Chu Qi rolled her eyes at Gu Beiyan, and then asked Yu Yuanyuan, "Tell me, why is it so strange?"

"Yuanyuan called him yesterday, he seems...he doesn't seem to want to talk to Yuanyuan very much," Yu Yuanyuan's nose became sour when he thought of brother Shen Ji last night, "Yuanyuan saw him just now , greeted him, he seemed to hear it but ignored Yuanyuan."

"...Could it be that I didn't hear it?" Gu Beiyan thought for a while, and found an excuse to comfort Xiao Zai Zai.

"Yuanyuan saw him stop for a while, but quickly walked away." As she spoke, Yu Yuanyuan felt that brother Shen Ji hated her more and more.

Xiao Zai Zai shrank his shoulders aggrievedly, unable to cheer up, holding his schoolbag with both hands, motionless.

When Chu Qi was thinking about the problem, Wen Zifei said with a poisonous tongue without thinking: "Then did you offend him?"

Yu Yuanyuan: "!!!"

Did she offend Brother Shen Ji?when? ?

(End of this chapter)

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