The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 348 Shen Ji said, he doesn't want to talk to you

Chapter 348 Shen Ji said, he doesn't want to talk to you
In Yu Yuanyuan's head, it was as if a thunderbolt sounded.

"If you were all fine before, and he suddenly behaved like this, you should have offended him." Wen Zifei said firmly.

He had helped Yu Yuanyuan out of the siege before, and in Xiao Zai Zai's heart, he was just as smart as Chu Qi.

When Wen Zifei said this, Yu Yuanyuan felt that the possibility was even higher!

When did she make Brother Shen Ji angry, meow? ? ?

The little brain desperately recalled the last time we met, obviously very happy all the time, except for a little accident before going home...

Could it be that elder brother Shen Ji was frightened and hasn't recovered yet?
When the incident first happened, Yu Yuanyuan was frightened and cried too, but later, because of the temptation of ice cream, she forgot about it.

But brother Shen Ji's uncle is so bad, he will definitely not give ice cream to brother Shen Ji!
Yu Yuanyuan made a self-righteous analysis, and shared her thoughts with the other three Xiaodoudings.

The four chattered for a while, and felt that Yu Yuanyuan's guess was not unreasonable.

There was an accident where they were almost hit by a car. If they were replaced, they might be so scared that they couldn't sleep at night. Not everyone can forget everything with an ice cream like Yu Yuanyuan.

"He may have just been scared before, and he should be fine after a few days." Wen Zifei didn't understand why he wanted to join the discussion, frowned and retreated to the back row.

If it was really because she was scared, then she must find a way to make brother Shen Ji happy!
During class, Xiao Zaizai would be distracted by Shen Ji from time to time, but she learned the songs taught by the teacher very quickly.

Yu Yuanyuan likes singing, dancing, and drawing, because these activities make her feel happy.

However, drawing and dancing are inconvenient to show over the phone, but singing is fine!

As soon as the teacher taught everyone how to sing, Xiao Zai Zai studied hard, trying to memorize the lyrics, and wanted to sing to Shen Ji's brother at night.

God knows how hard it is for that little slow-moving brain to memorize the lyrics, but also the key of the song.

Yu Yuanyuan, who had been shaking her head and singing in the kindergarten all day, almost choked the ears of Chu Qi, Gu Beiyan and Wen Zifei.

"Is Yuanyuan singing right?" Yu Yuanyuan hummed to her friends when she was queuing up to go home from school.

Chu Qi was expressionless: "That's right, very right."

Gu Beiyan, who had been filming rainbow farts for a whole day, was a little immobile: "Yuanyuan's singing is really... good."

Wen Zifei folded his hands and said coldly, "Yes."

With the affirmation of her friends, Yu Yuanyuan is more confident to sing for brother Shen Ji.

On the way home, Xiao Zai Zai still hummed to Gao Zhou and Yu Jinxiao, and after singing, he asked them to comment next to each other.

Gao Zhou couldn't help but cheer, even if he was driving, he put one hand on his thigh to imitate the sound of clapping: "Miss Yuanyuan sings so well, it's so beautiful!!"

"Does Baba think it sounds good?" As he said that, Xiao Zai Zai had already raised his palms and waited for his father's answer.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at the expectant eyes beside him from the corner of his eye, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he affirmed technically without emotion: "Well, the singing is very good."

As soon as Xiao Zai Zai, who was affirmed by everyone, returned home, he rushed back to the room, watched the phone watch and waited and waited. When he called Shen Ji almost usually, Xiao Zhaizhao dialed Shen Ji's number accurately.

Soon someone picked up over there, but it was a female voice.


"Hello, I want to find Brother Shen Ji~~"

"Oh, it's you," the woman on the phone seemed to know who she was, and sneered through the receiver, "Shen Ji said that he doesn't want to talk to you, so don't call me again."

(End of this chapter)

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