The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 349 Crying into Vibration Mode

Chapter 349 Crying into Vibration Mode

Don't want to deal with Yuanyuan?why?

Yu Yuanyuan thought there was some misunderstanding, held her claws anxiously and said, "This is Yuanyuan, brother Shen Ji won't ignore Yuanyuan."

The woman got impatient, she took the phone away and shouted: "Shen Ji, that brat is looking for you again."

"Do not care."

This time, it was really Brother Shen Ji's voice.

At first, she prayed that it was just a misunderstanding, but it was indeed Shen Ji's brother's voice, and she could not hear it wrong.

Brother Shen Ji said...don't worry...don't want to answer her call!

"Wow——" Before hanging up the phone, Yu Yuanyuan cried loudly, almost throwing the phone on the other end of the phone in fright.

Sad Zai Zai lay on the bed, buried his head in the quilt, buzzing and crying in vibration mode.

Tired from crying and crying, she turned over and fell asleep for half an hour. After waking up, she wiped the wet quilt, and suddenly remembered that she was crying just now, and sadness came to her heart again.

Continue the program that I cried before.

When Yu Mingxi came back from school, he heard low cries in the concealed room, and thought he heard it wrong.

But when he followed the crying sound to find it, he found that it was actually coming from Yu Yuanyuan's room.

Strange, is it because you are not happy in kindergarten today?
Knocking on the door, Yu Mingxi was still waiting for Xiao Zai Zai to respond, but Yu Yuanyuan, who was crying too seriously, didn't hear it at all.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying?" Yu Mingxi didn't put away his schoolbag, he squatted nervously beside the bed and touched the shaking little head buried in the pillow.

Yu Yuanyuan cried and wanted to speak, but when she opened her mouth, a bubble suddenly came out of her nose, which burst with a bang.

The atmosphere of sadness is only humorous.

Yu Mingxi knew he shouldn't laugh, but he felt really happy.

Obviously, he should be worried, but Yu Yuanyuan's pathetic appearance of blowing snot bubbles makes people feel distressed and funny.

"Brother, Yuanyuan seems to have really pissed off Brother Shen Ji," the weeping cub threw himself into his brother's arms, and said, "He doesn't answer Yuanyuan's calls anymore, and he is passing by the kindergarten gate." I don't care about Yuanyuan, woo woo, but Yuanyuan doesn't know what made him unhappy."

Yu Mingxi knew that his father had invited Shen Ji to dinner before, could it be...that day... what bad words did his father say that made Shen Ji take the initiative to stay away from Yuanyuan?
There was not much contact before, but the only memory allowed Yu Mingxi to clearly see that Shen Ji cared about Yuanyuan very much.

Even Yu Yingze said that during the picnic in the park, Shen Ji's uncle almost hit Yuanyuan with a cane, and Shen Ji hugged Yuanyuan without hesitation to block it.

Yu Mingxi had a bad premonition.

I'm afraid Shen Ji didn't distance himself from Yuanyuan on purpose, but out of necessity.

If this matter is really related to father, if Yuanyuan finds out... I'm afraid there will be another war between father and daughter.

"Yuanyuan, maybe brother Shen Ji is not angry with you, but simply in a bad mood," Yu Mingxi tried hard to find love, only hoping that this little boy would be easy to deceive, "Everyone will be in a bad mood and don't want to talk, you let me Brother Shen Ji calm down for a few days, maybe he will be fine?"

"Really?" Xiao Zai Zai asked softly with teary eyes blinking.

Yu Mingxi patted the little head next to his hand: "Of course, give him some time."

Turning his head, Yu Mingxi's face was slightly gloomy, and he was fascinated by the swaying branches outside the window.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to talk to Shen Ji.

Yuanyuan said before that he goes to a school not far from the kindergarten, as long as he squats, he will surely find someone.

(End of this chapter)

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