The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 353 We Are Not Friends From Today

Chapter 353 We Are Not Friends From Today
Looking at the long street and the noisy road, the four children couldn't help holding each other's hands.

They had never gone out alone before, and even Wen Zifei and Chu Qi, who seemed the calmest, were a little nervous.

"Let's go, I tried to memorize the road when I was in school. The elementary school is at the intersection over there. Let's hurry up." Wen Zifei was led by Gu Beiyan, and as soon as he accelerated, the four little bean curds were like bunches of grapes , move forward one by one.

Chu Qi often followed the nanny to the streets, crossing traffic lights, walking on sidewalks, etc., which had been carved into her bone marrow.

Taking everyone across the road successfully, following the direction Wen Zifei remembered, they really arrived at the gate of the elementary school.

Looking at the school gate that was more than half closed, leaving only a small exit, Gu Beiyan turned his head and shook Yu Yuanyuan's claws: "Which class is your elder brother Shen Ji in?"

Yu Yuanyuan opened her mouth: "Ah, this... Phuket Island."

Everyone: "..." Do you dare to come here?
The security guard at the security booth saw four children standing at the door holding hands, thought they were in trouble, and hurriedly opened the window: "Children, where is your adult? Why are you standing here by yourself?"

"Susu, Yuanyuan wants to find my brother!" The little boy stood on tiptoe, trying to get up, like a puppy lying on the wall, "Susu, can you help Yuanyuan find him?"

Ouch, this soft and cute little accent really hit Uncle Security's heart as soon as he opened his mouth.

He took a deep breath, nodded with a smile and asked, "Then which class is your brother in?"

Yu Yuanyuan shook her head depressedly: "Phuket Island."

"Do you know that name?"

"This Yuanyuan knows, his name is Shen Ji!"

"Oh, him." The security uncle nodded suddenly, slid the chair to the other side, and made a call.

When the security guard came back to the window again, Yu Yuanyuan chatted with someone directly.

"Susu, you also know brother Shen Ji?"

"I know, this kid is very quiet, but he is very polite. Before..." Uncle Security's smile froze suddenly, as if thinking of something that Xiao Zai Zai should not know, "It's nothing, he should come out soon, wait."

In less than five minutes, a figure ran out from the direction of the teaching building.

That was Shen Ji in school uniform, Yu Yuanyuan had seen it many times.

It seems that after receiving the call, Shen Ji rushed down without stopping. When he saw the few little bean dings at the school gate, his eyes couldn't hide his surprise.

"Brother Shen Ji!" Yu Yuanyuan happily waved her claws, just about to pounce on her but suddenly thought of something, and then stopped immediately, "Yuanyuan has something to tell you~~"

"Aren't you supposed to be in the kindergarten? Why..." Shen Ji looked at Xiao Zai Zai, and then at the group of Xiao Douding beside her.

They are all wearing the same clothes as Yu Yuanyuan, so they must be her classmates in kindergarten.

"Yuanyuan sneaked out," Xiao Zaizai seemed to know that what he did was wrong, and whispered with his hands behind his back, "But, Yuanyuan wants to ask brother Shen Ji if Yuanyuan made brother Shen Ji angry before. La?"

Shen Ji's frowning brows gradually relaxed, and he didn't speak for a long time. The anxiety and worry in his eyes were gradually suppressed, and finally his face was expressionless, leaving only calm indifference in his eyes.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you actually sneaked away from the kindergarten? Go back immediately, and don't come to me again in the future. We are not friends from today on."

The cold words were like blunt knives, sawing back and forth in Yu Yuanyuan's little heart, causing bruises all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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