Chapter 354

"Why, why?" Xiao Zaizai wanted to cry, but she knew that there was not enough time. She was afraid that she would cry for twenty minutes, so she could only hold back desperately, "Did Yuanyuan do something wrong to provoke Shen Ji?" Is brother unhappy? Brother Shen Ji can tell Yuanyuan!"

"No, I just find it tiring to deal with children. I have to study, and I don't have time to do those boring things with you."

Brother Shen Ji's voice was so cold, and what he said was terrifying.

For Xiao Zaizai, who is full of expectations to solve the problem, it is a slash, and it is also a heart-piercing arrow for himself.

For the safety of Yu Yuanyuan and the people around her, Shen Ji had to be ruthless and let go of the life-saving straw that was so hard to grab in his life.

Even if he fell into the abyss again and was sealed in the darkness that never saw the sun, he would not regret it.

He no longer wants to see people he cares about get hurt or have accidents because of him.

Since he couldn't change his bad luck, the only thing he could do was to keep a distance and be alone forever.

"Hey, you talk too much, Yuanyuan is here to find you!" Gu Beiyan was curious about what kind of person Shen Ji was, but now he is so angry that bullying Yuanyuan is bullying him, "She worked so hard I have gone so hard... I have come so far to find you, and you actually said such exaggerated words!"

He admitted that Shen Ji was very good-looking, which was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But, so what if he looks good?Talking too much is definitely not a good person!
"Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan will... trouble you less in the future, we are still friends, okay? Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... block.

"No, we are not friends anymore. From today onwards, we will not be in the future." After finishing speaking, Shen Ji walked towards the teaching building without looking back.

Yu Yuanyuan's wailing sound echoed behind Shen Ji, and it took a long time before it gradually faded away.

Cub Zai Zai, who cried until he couldn't see the way, was dragged away by three friends, who comforted him while dragging him, but Yu Yuanyuan cried until he couldn't hear anything.

Shen Ji heard the cries going away, so he stopped and looked back to make sure that the children left, then suddenly turned back at an accelerated speed.

He kept a little distance and followed the four little bean dings from a distance. He felt relieved when he saw them enter the gate of the kindergarten with his own eyes.

On the way back to school, Shen Ji asked himself countless times, is this really okay?

Said it was for Yu Yuanyuan, but he wanted to hurt her in this way?
Shen Ji's thoughts were very confused, the picture of Yu Yuanyuan crying with tears and snot constantly appeared in his mind, and the picture of her laughing happily from time to time.

The two completely different appearances overlapped in the bottom of my heart, repeatedly making up for Shen Ji's heart.

However, he has made a decision and said harsh words - nothing will change.

Back to the kindergarten within the specified time, thanks to Daju who saw them coming back from a distance, he used the same method to lure away the security uncle at the door.

Wen Zifei dragged them to the outside of the lounge, his heart still beating wildly.

Yu Yuanyuan was tired from crying, her eyes were covered with tears, and she couldn't even see the person standing in front of her clearly.

"Yuanyuan, don't be sad, you still have good friends like us!" Gu Beiyan patted his heart, put Wen Zifei with one hand, and Chu Qi with the other, and hugged them together to hug Yu Yuanyuan.

Wen Zifei didn't understand why he was included again, but seeing Yu Yuanyuan crying so badly, it's not wrong to act as a pawn to comfort her.

"Thank you everyone," rubbing his eyes, Yu Yuanyuan sobbed with red eyes, "Thank you everyone for accompanying Yuanyuan, let's go back to the lounge."

Everyone returned to the bed in silence, Chu Qi couldn't fall asleep, she heard that Yu Yuanyuan who was sleeping next to her seemed to be crying all the time, she must be very sad.

"Yuanyuan, don't be sad, you will meet again in the future... Huh?" Chu Qi, who was about to comfort her, turned around, and suddenly realized that it was not crying. Yu Yuanyuan had fallen asleep early, and was breathing snore.

(End of this chapter)

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