The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 355 I'm Actually Not Too Bad

Chapter 355 I'm Actually Not Too Bad

Crying takes effort, but Yu Yuanyuan has been crying all the way since she came out of Shen Ji's school, and was dragged away by Wen Zifei.

She was so exhausted a long time ago, she returned to the lounge and fell asleep with her head on the pillow.

Probably because she slept too deeply and her breathing was so heavy that Chu Qi mistakenly thought she was crying.

Chu Qi: "..." She was worrying too much.

The lunch break wasn't too long, and they went out with Yu Yuanyuan and wasted almost half an hour. When she was woken up by the teacher, Chu Qi felt like she was sleepwalking, yawning desperately, and couldn't even open her eyes .

Yu Yuanyuan next door was also woken up by the shake, and she was mechanically putting the legs of her trousers on her hands.

Fortunately, Teacher Su found out in time and pulled down the pants to change her clothes.

Sitting in the classroom in the afternoon, several children were drowsy, completely different from other children who took a nap.

This morning the teacher taught them about different plants, and said that he would take them to plant their favorite flowers and plants in the garden of the kindergarten.

The plants introduced in the morning were reposted on the lesson board. The teacher asked the children to choose their favorite plants, explain the reasons, and introduce the appearance or habits of the plants.

The children went up one by one, and finally it was Yu Yuanyuan's turn.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was so sleepy that she couldn't turn her head at all, squinted her eyes and walked to the podium almost instinctively, her mind was in chaos.

She glanced at the collaged plants on the class board, and vaguely remembered that she chose roses, because the fence wall at home was covered with similar flowers, looking at those beautiful flowers every day, Xiao Zai Zai’s mood was knocked. class good.

But for some reason, Yu Yuanyuan stared at the rows of pictures, and suddenly felt that the dense green leaves looked like the ones on the school fence.

When she went to school on the first day, she got out of the green climbing vines and chatted with brother Shen Ji.

Back then, brother Shen Ji would still smile at her tenderly, but today's brother Shen Ji...

He only looked at her with cold eyes, and didn't even bother to say a few words to her.

As long as Xiao Zai Zai is free, he thinks desperately, racks his brains, but the last time we met, everything was fine, why suddenly... can't be brother Shen Ji's friend?


If brother Shen Ji doesn't treat her as a friend, will it become exactly the same as in the predictive dream in the future?

At that time, Dad will be hurt, and Brother Shen Ji will also do something wrong!

The more Yu Yuanyuan thought about it, the more uneasy she became, her little head was in a mess, her eyes were so red that she seemed to be about to burst into tears in the next second.

Teacher Su was taken aback, thinking that she was crying because she couldn't speak out, and hugged Yu Yuanyuan to comfort her for a long time before letting her go back to her seat.

In the afternoon snack time, Yu Yuanyuan is full of energy at this point on weekdays, like a discarded doll, sitting quietly in her seat just staring at the pile of biscuits in a daze.

A little distance away, Chu Qi, Gu Beiyan and Wen Zifei secretly exchanged glances.

The three of them speculated that it must have something to do with the pretty brother they met at noon, but they were just children, and it was impossible for Shen Ji to change his mind.

The only thing that can be done is to comfort Yu Yuanyuan.

"Yuanyuan, don't be sad, you still have good friends like us, we will never leave you," Gu Beiyan led Chu Qi and Wen Zifei to surround him, "Look carefully, in fact, I am also pretty Not too bad."

The petrified Yu Yuanyuan seemed to come back suddenly, her claws clenched into fists: "I can't (give up)!"

what! ! !
Gu Beiyan's little heart was ruthlessly pierced.

(End of this chapter)

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