The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 360 Has a special ability to drive away bad luck

Chapter 360 Has a special ability to drive away bad luck
Yu Mingxi couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes, he stared blankly at Shen Ji, trying to find some comforting words to adjust the atmosphere.

But he suddenly realized that it seemed powerless to say anything.

From Shen Ji's eyes, it is not difficult to see that he hates his "ability" deeply, and his inability to reverse everything made him suffer a lot in this dark abyss.

"However, Dad was not injured that day." Yu Mingxi tried to figure out which link changed the result, "When I came back that afternoon, Yuanyuan was fine, and she even ate an ice cream."

Shen Ji's finger holding the water glass lightly shook: "Is it really all right?"

"Really, Dad didn't even go to the hospital. He said everything when he brought Yuanyuan back. I saw with my own eyes that neither Dad nor Yuanyuan was injured."

Judging from Shen Ji's past experience, Yu Jinxiao could not escape unharmed, even if he was not seriously injured, he shouldn't be unscathed.

But Yu Mingxi looked very serious and determined, and Shen Ji was also shaken.

"Is it really because of Yuanyuan..." Yu Mingxi rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

Shen Ji's heart was hit hard by something, and the previous fog seemed to be gradually cleared away by these words.

He knew the situation outside the video game store all too well.

Yu Jinxiao wanted to protect him, so he pulled him into his arms, and Yu Yuanyuan was in a safe place.

But when Xiao Zaizai saw the oncoming car, he jumped into his father's arms in fright. At that moment, the car turned away at a strange angle and hit the wall next to him.

Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan are fine.

The doubts in the hearts of the two were gradually being pushed away. The moment they raised their heads, they saw almost the same answer in each other's eyes.

"Would you like to try it?" Yu Mingxi gently clenched his fingers together, tentatively offering a suggestion.

When Shen Ji heard this, he immediately refused seriously: "No, it's too dangerous to do so."

"I don't mean to let Yuanyuan try it, but let me try it." Yu Mingxi patted his heart, and a strange light appeared in his eyes.

It's obviously a very dangerous thing, but when it comes to him, it seems like it's doing some interesting experiment.

"Whether it's you or Yuanyuan, it's equally dangerous, I don't agree." After finishing speaking, Shen Ji picked up his schoolbag and pushed away the chair to leave.

This proposal is so ridiculous that he would never put innocent people at risk.

"However, if Yuanyuan really has the special ability to drive away bad luck, it is also a kind of hope for you, isn't it?" Yu Mingxi got up and grabbed his schoolbag belt, refusing to let go.

Shen Ji secretly tugged once, but the opposite force was very firm, as if he would not give up unless he agreed.

Is it really such a coincidence?
If Yuanyuan has the ability to dispel bad luck, it will be a rare light in the dark world for him.

But who can guarantee that this cluster of flames can burn forever?

In case the day goes out, Shen Ji will not only return to the abyss, but to the hell with endless swords and flames.

"From my brother's standpoint, I don't want Yuanyuan to be approached by any danger," Yu Mingxi withdrew his hand, and his calm and gentle tone revealed a determination that was completely different from ordinary people, "But if Yuanyuan really has the bad luck to drive away, ability, at least you can be ordinary friends with her instead of making her so sad."

Shen Ji's palm tightly pinched the strap of the schoolbag, and the rough texture made his palm ache.

"Okay, but be careful, I will protect you and Yuanyuan by the side."

In the end, the little hope that Shen Ji longed for in his heart prevailed.

(End of this chapter)

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