The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 361 Really... did you come in a hurry?

Chapter 361 Really... did you come in a hurry?

When Yu Mingxi brought Shen Ji home, Yu Yuanyuan was painting in the room.

However, what she painted was not a painting in the true sense, but she was trying to conceive a plan, how to become friends with Brother Shen Ji again.

The little paw clumsily held a pen, crawled on the carpet, pouted its buttocks like a caterpillar.

After scribbling and changing, ten minutes later, the drawing paper was full of incomprehensible symbols and lines, like ancient spells.

"First the sauce is purple, then the spicy ones, and finally the special ones! Dang dang dang! You're done!" The proud cub raised his planner, and his claws tried to hold it high.

Just admiring his perfect plan, his brother's gentle shout came from the window.

"Yuanyuan, come downstairs quickly." Yu Mingxi made a trumpet shape with his hand and shouted towards Yu Yuanyuan's window.

Hey, it's my brother!Did my brother buy something delicious?
Xiao Zai Zai was not in a hurry to get down, he pulled the small bench and worked hard to reach the window sill.

The little head and claws were placed side by side on the window frame, and the chin was squeezed out of the round flesh: "Brother~~~"

"Yuanyuan, brother is waiting for you here, come down for a while," Yu Mingxi shook his arm vigorously, not forgetting to remind, "Don't worry, be careful, come down slowly."

"Okay, Yuanyuan will be here soon." Xiao Zaizai jumped off the stool and was still waving his paws.

Downstairs, Yu Mingxi only saw that little claw dangling at the window, shaking and drifting away.

"Yuanyuan is so cute." Yu Mingxi, who would be cute every day when he went home, couldn't help but sigh.

Shen Ji was standing not far away, and he also saw the situation of the window through the gap between the roses.

In his mind, he unconsciously thought of Yu Yuanyuan's pitiful appearance crying loudly at noon, his heart stabbed, and he couldn't speak when he wanted to agree with Yu Mingxi.

"She's here," Yu Mingxi signaled Shen Ji to hide first, "should be going down the stairs, and will arrive at the entrance of the villa in about five minutes."

Shen Ji has already taken off half of the gloves, frowning: "Do you really want to try?"

"Anyway, in the yard of my own house, even if there is something at most, it will be a fall, and nothing will happen." Yu Mingxi stretched out his hand, and shook it in front of Shen Ji, as if urging him to hurry up.

To verify whether Xiao Zai Zai really has the ability to dispel bad luck, one must first touch Shen Ji's hand and then Xiao Zai Zai's claws in the shortest possible time.

Knowing that Xiao Zai Zai is on his way downstairs, Yu Mingxi wants to get stuck at every critical moment.

"..." Shen Ji was still struggling. For him, most of the accidents were accidental.

Only to punish some people he hates will he take the initiative to take off the gloves.

But now, a kind person offered to touch his hand full of doom.

It doesn't seem to be any different than being a victim.

Rao Shen Ji would not be easily entangled by moral values, but the person in front of him was Yu Yuanyuan's older brother, and his slight touch would bring immeasurable harm.

"Don't worry, I believe Yuanyuan is a cute little girl who can bring good luck." Yu Mingxi stretched out his palm, as if waiting for a friendly handshake between friends.

Shen Ji's fingertips trembled hesitantly, the palm that took off the gloves was cold, but his heart beat faster and faster.

Really... did you come in a hurry?

"Brother~~~You're here after school~~~" The excited little voice had already arrived at the door of the villa.

With a smile on his face, Yu Mingxi took two steps forward without hesitation, and took the initiative to hold Shen Ji's hand tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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