The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 363 "Buried" Shen Ji in it

Chapter 363 "Buried" Shen Ji in it
Yu Yuanyuan twisted in Yu Mingxi's arms like a corgi that couldn't be hugged.

As soon as he put her on the ground, Xiao Zai Zai rushed out of the door excitedly.

Yu Mingxi felt that Xiao Zai Zai's liking for him had been completely attracted by Shen Ji!
Rushing forward, Yu Yuanyuan almost habitually hugged Shen Ji and acted like a baby first. Before she touched him, Xiao Zai Zai suddenly thought of what Shen Ji said at noon.

The small footsteps suddenly stopped in front of Shen Ji, Yu Yuanyuan obediently put her hands on both sides and stood upright, like a little friend who was punished by the teacher: "Brother Shen Ji, why are you here? You are here to play ?”

Shen Ji didn't know how to explain.

He looked at Yu Mingxi for a while, looked at the bird's nest on the tree for a while, and then looked down at the little guy in front of him, not knowing where to focus his attention.

"Go to my bedroom and talk?" Yu Mingxi pointed to the upstairs, elbowed Yu Yuanyuan and led Shen Ji to his room.

Shen Ji quickly put on the gloves, and the next second Xiao Zai Zai's hand grabbed him and led him to the villa.

It was his first visit to Yu's house, and everything was beyond his previous imagination.

He imagined living the life of a rich man, but after standing in such an environment, the overwhelming sense of oppression of money was so strong that he couldn't adapt to it.

There are not only servants at home, but a single bedroom is bigger than the place where he lives.

Yu Mingxi's room has a special rest area, and there are several benches and round tables near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

On weekends when there is nothing to do, Yu Mingxi would read books here as a rest.

Xiao Zai Zai brought the man in with ease, led him to the chair, and patted the non-existent dust on the stool with style: "Brother Shen Ji, please sit down."

Just as Shen Ji sat down, Yu Yuanyuan ran out again, and came back after a while, holding two plates full of strawberry milk and mango milk.

"Brother Shen Ji, have a drink!"


Yu Yuanyuan generously poured her favorite on the table.

In less than five seconds, Xiao Zai Zai stepped on the floor and went back and forth, holding a box full of snacks, and fell on the table with a crash: "Brother Shen Ji, eat something!"

Yu Yuanyuan, who was busy feeding, rolled in and out of the room like a little ball, making Shen Ji a little dazzled.

When she entered and exited the room for the third time and brought in three ice cream balls, Shen Ji couldn't help but hold her back: "Sit down, I won't eat."

don't eat?why do not you eat?
Is brother Shen Ji still angry with Yuanyuan?

When Xiao Zaizai thought of this possibility, his eyes suddenly turned into egg flower shapes about to cry: "Brother Shen Ji, do you still hate Yuanyuan?"

Shen Ji: "?" did you come to the conclusion?
"I... I'm not."

Today is to solve the problem, Shen Ji has already entered other people's homes, there is no reason to use those excessive words to hurt others.

Especially, now he has no escape, he can only face Xiao Zai Zai's tears and pity.

No matter how hard Shen Ji's heart is, he can't be cruel to her in this situation.

"Then...then why don't you eat?" Xiao Zaizai seemed to be waiting for him to do something special, and picked the baby he carried next to him, "Brother Shen Ji, eat duck, eat duck, these They are all Yuanyuan's favorite!"

When Yu Mingxi, who was going to get fruit juice for Shen Ji, entered the room, he saw that the table he usually sat on had been flooded with snacks and drinks.

The thing that Xiao Zai Zai regarded as a treasure before, now "buries" Shen Ji in it in a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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