The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 364 What's the matter with this calm tone

Chapter 364 What's the matter with this calm little tone
Yu Mingxi suddenly felt that his juice was a bit shabby.

But I brought them all... let's just bite the bullet and give them.

Under the cute attack of Xiao Zai Zai, Shen Ji has already been forced to eat a bag of potato chips, plus an ice cream, and now he is being stuffed with a bag of grape-flavored fudge.

If you continue to eat like this, I'm afraid there will be no place for dinner.

Yu Mingxi handed the juice to Shen Ji, took advantage of the opportunity to tidy up the pile of food, and helped him out: "Yuanyuan, Brother Shen Ji came here to discuss business, not to eat. Bring the ice cream and milk Go put it away, we'll wait for you here."

"That's good." Yu Yuanyuan felt it was a pity that her treasures were not sold, so she obediently put them away in the box.

Shen Ji looked at the swaying figure holding the box, and stood up suddenly: "Do you want to carry her down? The stairs are so high..."

"Don't worry, Yuanyuan usually walks by herself. She took the box from the room, so she doesn't need to carry it downstairs." Yu Mingxi patted Shen Ji on the shoulder and pushed him back to the seat.

Just a small matter, in Shen Ji's heart, it will be magnified countless times and become a major event that makes him nervous.

Yu Mingxi could clearly see the tension and worry in his eyes.

All those instinctive reactions clearly engraved Shen Ji's concern for Yuanyuan on his forehead.

How uncomfortable would it be to force myself to keep a distance from Yuanyuan?

Xiao Zaizai moved fairly quickly. After putting away the snacks, ice cream and milk, she walked to the door and found that there were only two glasses of juice on the table, and she was stunned.

"Brother, Yuanyuan has juice to drink!" The busy little Yuanqiu ran out of the room again, asked Aunt Chen for a glass of strawberry juice, and then returned briskly.

Yu Mingxi also set up a chair for Xiao Zai Zai, and Yu Yuanyuan will also participate in this conversation.

"Okay, Yuanyuan has to listen carefully to what I'm going to say next, do you understand?" Yu Mingxi patted her head, glanced at Shen Ji from the corner of his eye, and found that he was looking at the bird's nest in the yard.

"Yuanyuan understands!" Xiao Zaizai sat down obediently, and put his hands on his knees, focusing as if he was in class.

"Brother Shen Ji wants to tell you something..." After finishing speaking, Yu Mingxi looked across and gave Shen Ji the opportunity to explain.

Being called out suddenly, Shen Ji moved a little uncomfortably, not knowing where to start.

Yu Mingxi felt that it was too embarrassing for such a person who is not good at communication to explain things, so he had to take over this task again.

"Yuanyuan guess why brother Shen Ji wears gloves?" Yu Mingxi, who is good at talking with children, immediately caught the little boy's attention.

Thinking and thinking, Yu Yuanyuan vaguely remembered what brother Shen Ji said, but her limited brain capacity didn't seem to remember things well.

After thinking hard for a long time, Xiao Zai Zai found that his head was empty, and he nervously said "ah".

When the two pairs of eyes looked at her together, Yu Yuanyuan pressed her hands under her legs and sat down guiltily: "Brother Shen Ji seems to have said that, but Yuanyuan...can't remember. To Buji, brother Shen Ji."

"Then brother Shen Ji will say it again today, you have to remember it well."

Xiao Zai Zai nodded vigorously, widened his eyes, and looked into Shen Ji's eyes without moving.

It was as if those two-tube-like pupils could memorize one's soul.

"Yuanyuan, if I don't wear gloves, everyone who touches my hand will be unlucky." Shen Ji finally calmed down, and told the secret that he didn't want to mention again.

"Ah..." Xiao Zai Zai nodded suddenly, and asked again, "If you are unlucky, you will be unlucky. What's wrong with being unlucky?"

What's with this calm little tone?

(End of this chapter)

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