Chapter 372
Wow, Brother Shen Ji said he likes Meow Meow!

Yu Yuanyuan was happy when she knocked on the level, she lowered her head and smiled "hehe" a few times to herself, then leaned to Shen Ji's side again: "Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan is also meow!"

This statement made Shen Ji slightly taken aback.

If you look carefully, Yu Yuanyuan's movements and small figure really look like a cat.

There was a subtle feline aura about her.

Shen Ji thought about it carefully, and found that Yu Yuanyuan's small movements, small eyes and appearance are often like a curious little meow.

But he didn't think in an unbelievable direction, he only thought that children like Meow Meow very much, so he wanted to be Meow Meow too.

"I like Yuanyuan better." Shen Ji smiled slightly, and put his hand on the top of Yu Yuanyuan's head and rubbed it lightly.

That fluffy little head feels no worse than Dahua's belly.

Soft, fluffy, and the thin strands of hair itched between the fingers.

Especially, as soon as his palm was pressed against that little head, Yu Yuanyuan stretched her neck like a contented meow and arched her head towards his palm.

This way it looks...more like a chubby cute cat!

Yuan Miaomiao enjoyed Shen Ji's "smooth hair" contentedly, and along with it, the tip of her small nose suddenly sniffed, and her eyes opened full of doubts: "Yuanyuan seems to smell something sweet."

"Ah, the ice cream has melted." Yu Mingxi remembered the ice cream that Shen Ji just casually put on the steps.

What was originally a round ball has melted into a puddle of powdery, sticky liquid.

"It's okay, you can eat it even if you melt it," attracted the attention of the ice cream, Xiao Zaizai's head suddenly came out of his hands, squatted on the side of the steps and opened the lid, drooling, "Wow, it's so fragrant and sweet~~~ ~"

The spoon in his hand was about to poke into the ice cream when the top of Xiao Zai Zai's head was hit by a cold sound.

"Yu Yuanyuan, are you eating ice cream!"

At the window on the second floor diagonally opposite, Yu Jinxiao stood beside the floor-to-ceiling glass with his hands folded, his head facing the window that could be opened, radiating resentment towards her.

Yu Yuanyuan was so frightened that her hands shook that the ice cream almost rolled to the ground.

She pretended not to hear, and quickly scooped up a scoop of ice cream to deliver to Shen Ji: "Brother Shen Ji, eat~~~"

As long as it's not delivered to her mouth, she won't eat it, and dad can't spank her!
While stroking the cat, Shen Ji was being fed ice cream, feeling in a daze of boundless happiness.

There are cats, there are Yuanyuan... It is simply happiness X10000!
Upstairs, Yu Jinxiao saw the ice cream being fed into Shen Ji's mouth, so he folded his hands and said nothing.

But those terrifying eyes kept staring at this side until the ice cream was almost bottomed out, and they were still staring so firmly, as if they wanted to catch Yu Yuanyuan.

The poor little cub watched the ice cream less and less, and his little heart felt cold.

Woohoo, Baba is too scary, why does he keep staring at people!

Shen Ji saw the despair in those dark eyes, couldn't bear to take the ice cream, scooped up a spoonful and brought it to Yu Yuanyuan's mouth: "Yuanyuan, take a bite."

Xiao Zai Zai, who was standing upright with his hands behind his back, glanced at his father upstairs from the corner of his eye.

Those cold eyes were like a crocodile diving in the water, peering at everything silently and terrifyingly.


Dad didn't make a sound to stop it!

Yu Yuanyuan boldly opened her mouth wide, and slowly approached the spoon, her eyes never forgetting to look at her father upstairs: "Ah——"

(End of this chapter)

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