The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 373 Is this really the appetite of a 3-year-old kid?

Chapter 373 Is this really the appetite of a three-year-old child?

The little mouth approached infinitely, and finally reached the closest distance to the spoon. Before Dad said spanking, he whimpered and quickly rolled the ice cream into his mouth.

Hey, I have eaten ice cream, and my father didn't scold her!

It's just... that look in his eyes is so scary that Xiao Zai Zai couldn't help but shudder.

Because Shen Ji fed the ice cream, Yu Jinxiao couldn't blame the guests, anyway, there was only one bite left, so it would not be impossible to let the little glutinous rice balls eat a little bit of sweetness.

Make sure the ice cream is gone before the scary figure standing by the French window leaves.

Da Hua, who went back to the Cat Villa for dinner at that time, yawned big, stretched, got up and walked back.

The route that had been taken dozens of times suddenly went wrong today.

Seeing that Dahua squinted her eyes and slammed into the door next to her with a slamming sound, and made a pitiful "meow", the whole cat was stunned.

Dahua sat on her buttocks for a long time before she came back to her senses, found the position of the door and got in again, meowing and cursing the whole time.

Shen Ji probably guessed the reason, looked down at his ungloved hand, and silently pulled the glove back on.

"Have you seen it?" Shen Ji glanced at Yu Mingxi indifferently, as if he had expected this situation a long time ago.

The bad luck on him is that even cats can be tricked.

But at present, it seems that the only one who can survive is probably Yu Yuanyuan.

Could it be that this little cub is really lucky?
"Master, Miss Yuanyuan, dinner is ready," Aunt Chen came out wearing an apron to call someone, "I don't know what this little guest likes to eat, so I just added a few more dishes."

Shen Ji looked at Aunt Chen's kind eyes in astonishment, and shook his head unaccustomed: "No need, I'm going home soon."

"It's time for dinner." Yu Mingxi grabbed his gloved hand, "Since Aunt Chen is ready, don't waste her kindness."

"Brother Shen Ji, the dishes made by Auntie are delicious," the little guy at his feet raised his thumb high, "Yuanyuan can eat two big bowls of rice every day!"

Yu Mingxi laughed as soon as he heard it, patted Shen Ji on the shoulder and added: "Yuanyuan's rice bowl is bigger than mine."

These words immediately aroused Shen Ji's curiosity, no matter how boring it was, as long as it was related to Yu Yuanyuan, Shen Ji would find it interesting.

"Let's go, I'll take you in to see it." Yu Mingxi is older than Shen Ji, coupled with his slow but firm tone when he speaks, it will add more persuasive force.

"Brother Shen Ji, let's go." Beside, Yu Yuanyuan had already followed, holding Shen Ji's hand and dragging him into the villa.

That small body has no strength, if Shen Ji doesn't leave, she can't pull it at all, but Shen Ji doesn't want to let her down, so he can only walk slowly, creating an illusion that the little glutinous rice ball has successfully dragged him in.

When Yu Jinxiao was going upstairs and downstairs, he happened to see the number of bowls and chopsticks on the table - one pair more than usual.

The head of the family didn't speak, and Shen Ji didn't feel comfortable sitting down directly.

Seeing Shen Ji's restraint, Yu Jinxiao didn't deliberately show politeness, he raised his chin and signaled: "Sit down."

It's not been a day or two since I've known Yu Jinxiao, and Shen Ji wouldn't think that Yu Jinxiao didn't want to see him because of this indifferent behavior.

The person Yu Jinxiao really does not want to see... is not so flirtatious.

Yu Yingze, who went into the bedroom to play games as soon as he got home, noticed Shen Ji's arrival and greeted him.

Shen Ji's age is between Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi, and he can talk to anyone.

The meals on the table are dishes that look delicious but are not luxurious.

Originally, Shen Ji was afraid that he would not be used to rich people's dinner, but looking at a pile of familiar dishes, the restraint in his heart finally disappeared.

Yu Mingxi would often help out with some things at home, so he went to the kitchen and brought out two bowls, mistaking Shen Ji as an outsider, and put them at his hand: "This is yours, that..."

"That one is round."

Shen Ji, who had already picked up his job bowl and was about to put it elsewhere, was stunned when he heard Yu Mingxi's supplement.

Is this really the appetite of a three-year-old?

(End of this chapter)

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