Chapter 382

Sometimes I think this little glutinous rice balls are silly, but sometimes, her brain reacts really fast.

Yu Jinxiao was left speechless by her question, only silent.

Along the way, the cubs were humming, Chi Chi Gua Gua Gua Gua, they were singing happily as if they were going to a party.

When they arrived at the kindergarten, they didn't even have time to hug Yu Jinxiao, so they ran to the door to look around.

But after searching all over, Xiao Zai Zai didn't see brother Shen Ji, so he had to obey Teacher Su's words and line up obediently.

Not long after, by the fence, a figure stood still, eyes tenderly watching Yu Yuanyuan who was in a daze.

In such a large group of children, Shen Ji could always see her at a glance.

It seems that everyone else is black and white, only Xiao Zai Zai is in color in his world.

"Yuanyuan—" Shen Ji approached the fence and waved.

The little cub who was in a daze was stunned for a moment, his beautiful eyes brightened, and he happily jumped to the side of the fence: "Brother Shen Ji, good morning~~~"

"Good morning, Yuanyuan's hair is tied up so cutely today." Shen Ji squatted down, his gaze was just as normal as that of Xiao Zai Zai.

The smile on the face was very faint, so faint that it was not easy to find, but there was gentleness flowing in the ink pupils.

"Hey hey," Xiao Zaizai smirked happily, "Sister Bei tied Yuanyuan's hair today!"

In order to get closer to Shen Ji, Yu Yuanyuan's claws pinched the fence, that reminds people of tears behind bars.


"Has brother Shen Ji had breakfast?" Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head, blinking at him from between the two iron bars.

Shen Ji was taken aback by this question, and then nodded with a smile: "I've eaten, where is Yuanyuan?"

"Yuanyuan didn't go out until she was full in the morning!" Xiao Zaizai patted her stomach, the crisp sound of the thumping sound was too cute.

The two children didn't chat for a while, and Teacher Su had already picked up the children and prepared to enter the classroom.

Shen Ji glanced at the direction of the school, squeezed Yuanyuan's little claws: "Hurry up and go to the classroom with the teacher, I'm going to school too."

"Wait a minute," Xiao Zai Zai shouted to stop Shen Ji, and took out a piece of candy from his bag with a snort, "Brother Shen Ji, this is Yuanyuan specially packed it last night, this candy is delicious! Every time Yuanyuan eats it, I feel better!"

The pink candy wrapper is as cute as the little cub, lying in the palm of that white and fleshy little hand, it has a special attraction.

Shen Ji didn't refuse, picked it up like a treasure, and held it tightly in his palm: "Thank you, Yuanyuan."

"Bye, Brother Shen Ji~~Yuanyuan is going to class~~" Xiao Zaizai turned around and waved his hands as he walked, not to mention how reluctant he was.

Shen Ji didn't leave right away, and waited until he saw Xiao Zai Zai out of sight, then he put his schoolbag on his shoulder and ran towards the school quickly.

In classrooms.

Seeing that Shen Ji and Yu Yuanyuan reconciled, Gu Beiyan had countless things to say in his heart.

He sat on the chair sullenly, twisted his buttocks, and finally couldn't help but tugged on the sleeves of Xiao Zaizai: "Yuanyuan, how can you reconcile with that bad guy? He obviously said a lot of excessive words .”

"You don't care about other people's affairs." Chu Qi glared at Gu Beiyan, and signaled him to talk less with her eyes.

"Yuanyuan and brother Shen Ji are reconciled. It turns out that brother Shen Ji really has bitter melons," the little boy sighed like a kid, "but Yuanyuan can't tell the secret of brother Shen Ji, but Yuanyuan knows Shen Ji's secret. Brother Ji doesn't hate Yuanyuan."

Gu Beiyan sighed, looking like "it's hopeless."

"Thank you everyone for accompanying Yuanyuan to find elder brother Shen Ji," Xiao Zaizai opened his schoolbag, huffed and fumbled out three lollipops of different colors, "Yuanyuan specially brought these lollipops!"

(End of this chapter)

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