The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 383 I Caught You

Chapter 383 I Caught You

Everyone was given a lollipop, and Wen Zifei also had one.

Originally, I wanted to be arrogant and not accept it at all, but the claws that stretched out were so fleshy, so cute that no one had the ability to refuse.

Wen Zifei took a look at the lollipop, and saw that it smelled like lemon. Fortunately, he didn't like it.

Luckily it's not strawberry.

"You don't want to eat? If you don't want to eat, let me eat it." The little friend said and was about to reach out to grab it.

Wen Zifei avoided his hand, and said impatiently: "Whoever says I won't eat, I won't give it to you if I don't eat it, don't touch it."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and opened the paw that was not bad.

With candy, Gu Beiyan, who still had opinions before, fell silent, and went to eat candy happily.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was so depressed yesterday, has regained his former vitality today.

After a happy day in the kindergarten, Yu Yuanyuan returned to the life of heartless, eating, sleeping and sleeping.

Dad didn't come to the kindergarten to pick her up this afternoon. Gao Zhou said that there was a temporary meeting, so he had to send the cub back.

Xiao Tangyuan, who would normally be depressed, was not sad at all. On the way back, she even sang to Gao Zhou.

But when I got back to the bedroom, there were only four walls and a bunch of toys left...

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly felt bored.

The servants were busy preparing dinner, Xiao Zai Zai wisely didn't bother, and went downstairs to find Da Hua to play.

In the end, after not playing for a long time, Dahua said that she was going to find her younger brother to find out about the situation in the territory, so she went out of the yard and disappeared.

Cub Zai Zai, who was sitting on a swing in a daze, was caught by a friend passing by the door and invited her to play hide-and-seek together.

Through Yu Yingze, Yu Yuanyuan also made many good friends who are not much different in age in the villa area.

They all like Yu Yuanyuan very much, whenever they leave home to play, they will always call her.

The bored little cub agreed without hesitation, and after greeting Aunt Chen at the kitchen window, he ran out alone to hold the young lady who called her, and walked out together.

There are three other friends playing hide and seek.

After the palm and the back of the hand separated who would be the ghost and who would hide, Xiao Zai Zai, as the hiding party, immediately found a corner to hide.

She just came back from school, before she had time to change her school uniform, she was wearing a light-colored cat in the grass next to her, and anyone who was a little taller could see it all at a glance.

When the ghost's little friend came nearby, Yu Yuanyuan could even smell the milk on his body.

Every time before playing hide and seek, the little cub will sniff his nose and tag everyone with his scent.

In this way, one catcher is sure to catch one person at a time.

It's a pity that I didn't get the chance to be a "ghost" today, hiding is not Xiao Zai Zai's strong point.

"I saw you!" "Ghost" lied with ambiguous words loudly, "Come out."

In the past, Yu Yuanyuan would still be fooled, but after being taught a lesson by Yu Yingze, she realized that it was a lie.

From then on, Xiao Zai Zai never believed it again.

The sound of pattering footsteps approached, Yu Yuanyuan held her breath nervously.

"Yuanyuan, what are you..." A happy voice sounded not far away, and Yu Yuanyuan's cat furled furiously.

Before she waved her hand to signal, someone had already pinched her neck, "Ghost" said happily, "Yuanyuan, I caught you."

Oh wow.

The twins who had just arrived nearby realized what was going on, and they cried out inwardly that something was wrong.

Will Yuanyuan be angry?

"I'm sorry, Yuanyuan, we didn't know you were playing hide-and-seek!" Mo Yunqing quickly apologized, and Mo Yunlan, who was silent with her friends, also said "I'm sorry".

(End of this chapter)

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