Chapter 388 Flattered
Sudden loss of balance can be a super scary thing for a pup.

She wanted to throw away the faucet, but she was afraid of breaking Mo Yunqing's car, so she could only pinch it nervously.

But Mo Yunqing beside him didn't even bother to take care of the car. Seeing that she almost fell down, she dropped the bike, quickly hooked Xiao Zai Zai's stomach and clamped her up.

The car fell to the ground with a bang, making a loud noise, which caused heartache to the onlookers.

What a nice car, it's just thrown away like this, and if it falls to the ground, it will definitely get scratches.

Mo Yunqing didn't even look at the car, she gently put Yuanyuan back on the ground, and checked nervously: "Yuanyuan, are you okay? Did you get hit somewhere?"

"No," Xiao Zai Zai shook his head, "but... Brother Yun Qing's car fell down."

Looking at the bicycle lying alone on the ground, Xiao Zai Zai sighed depressedly.

"The car is not important, as long as the person is fine." The beautiful palm patted Yu Yuanyuan's head lightly, and the smile on his face made it obvious at a glance that it was sincere.

None of the twins cared about the cars and skateboards. These two enviable things were casually discarded by them, and they circled around Yu Yuanyuan instead.

It seems that the little bean is the most precious.

I have never seen such twins before, and my friends are also very surprised, and even wonder if I have misunderstood them.

Weiwei, who had said harsh words earlier, walked over slowly, and also knelt down to care about Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, you didn't hurt yourself? Do you want my sister to accompany you home and change your clothes?"

Yu Yuanyuan grinned cutely, and shook her head: "Yuanyuan is fine, Brother Yunqing moved so fast just now, he lifted Yuanyuan up in one go, Yuanyuan didn't fall down."

After hearing Xiao Zaizai's words, Weiwei glanced awkwardly at the teenager beside her, as if she realized that what she said to them just now was a bit hurtful.

"Is that bicycle yours?" Other friends also gathered around, talking to the twins with undisguised envy.

They thought the twins had a bad temper and moody before, and they didn't want to have contact with such people.

But looking at their attitude towards Yu Yuanyuan, the little friend felt that they didn't look like some heinous villains.

Children's minds are always pure and changeable, and there is no one they hate forever in their hearts.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Mo Yunqing's tone was not cheerful.

"It's so handsome. I wanted one too, but my dad refused to buy it. Can you ride it?"

"Can I take a closer look at this skateboard? It's so cool, I haven't snatched it before."

The little friends chattered and enthusiastically discussed topics that the twins were interested in.

The small group that had rejected them before seemed to have suddenly opened the door and planned to accept them.

The twins were flattered.

Probably they had never been treated so kindly before. For a moment, both of them were so nervous that their cheeks flushed, and they even stammered a bit.

"Look, just look at it, you can even slide it."

"I can ride, do I want to give you a show?"

It is always so easy for children to get closer. A common hobby and a simple action attract good feelings. In less than an hour, they changed from being repulsed before to friends who share a common topic.

He even made an appointment to come out to play together when he was free.

During this period, Xiao Zai Zai has been following obediently, clapping his hands from time to time, or shouting and cheering, just like a cute little robot.

The twins had time to talk to Xiao Zai Zai when the other children went home for dinner.

"Yuanyuan, are you hungry? Let's take you home."

The twins led the cubs back, and when they parted at the gate of the courtyard, they were spotted by Yu Jinxiao who was watching the cubs in front of the French window of the study.

He frowned slightly, as if he saw something unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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