The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 389 Riding a Skateboard, Riding a Bicycle

Chapter 389 Riding a Skateboard, Riding a Bicycle
Xiao Zai Zai, who came back from playing outside, hummed happily.

As soon as she stepped into the house, she keenly felt that someone was watching Jiji from a certain corner!

Yu Yuanyuan looked over, and immediately met Yu Jinxiao's dark eyes, staring at her without blinking, making Xiao Zai Zai's heart shudder.

It's over, did she do something wrong?
Ba Ba's expression looks so scary!
Little Zai Zai, who was still in shock, tried hard to dig in his memory...

But after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't think of any bad things she had done.

Yu Yuanyuan touched her little head, and secretly sighed.

She must have forgotten it by herself, and she will apologize first anyway in the meeting, so as not to make Baba angry.

After all... It's time for dinner soon, and she doesn't want to be pulled out of the chicken legs again.

"Yu Yuanyuan, come up." Yu Jinxiao stood on the stairs on the second floor, his condescending tone like an emperor made Xiao Zai Zai's heart tighten suddenly.

She didn't dare to disobey, pursed her lips, pretended to look innocent, and climbed up while holding the handrail.

When Xiao Zai Zai arrived safely on the second floor, Yu Jinxiao continued to keep a cold face and walked into the study first.

Yu Yuanyuan, who didn't know what to do, had no choice but to follow in. She was so nervous that she pulled her right hand with her left hand, and her small body swayed uncomfortably: "Baba, what are you calling Yuanyuan for?"

"I have something to tell you."

Dad's words are exactly the same as the beginning when he asked her to settle accounts!
Yu Yuanyuan felt that she was at a loss, thinking about her father's attitude, she felt that she must have done something wrong, but she couldn't remember it, and she couldn't start.

Forget it, if you do something wrong, it's better to apologize first.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had been entangled in place for a long time, preemptively said: "Pu Ba, the circle is wrong."

"Huh?" Yu Jinxiao looked puzzled.

Why did you suddenly apologize?Did this little glutinous rice ball cause trouble outside again?
Yu Jinxiao's face became more and more serious: "Did you do something wrong outside just now?"

The dull cub: "Huh?"

Yu Jinxiao, who didn't know why his daughter apologized at all: "Ah?"

The two looked at me in confusion, and I looked at you. In the end, it was the adult Yu Jinxiao who regained his sanity first.

"Why are you apologizing?" Yu Jinxiao asked suspiciously.

Yu Yuanyuan opened her mouth and answered truthfully, "Yuanyuan doesn't know either, but Dad looks so fierce."

Yu Jinxiao: "..."

Can this silly dumpling be saved?

"How could it be so fierce?" Yu Jinxiao tried to smooth his frown, trying to make himself look more peaceful, "I just want to ask, do you still have a relationship with the Mo family's twins?"

Although they live in a villa area, those two twins are much older than Xiao Zai Zai, can they play together?
When Yu Jinxiao saw the scene just now, his first reaction was that the old fox Mo Yanrui deliberately arranged for his son to approach Yuanyuan, hoping to win the relationship.

It doesn't matter to win the relationship, but Yu Jinxiao is afraid that Xiao Zai Zai will be bullied by others, and he doesn't know it.

Regarding the situation of the twins, Yu Jinxiao secretly asked someone to investigate. Those two children have always had a bad reputation, and being with such a simple person as Xiao Tangyuan, doesn't it mean that a wolf has met a sheep.

"Ah, Brother Yunqing and Brother Yunlan took Yuanyuan to ride a bicycle and ride a skateboard just now." Just as the excited little boy finished speaking, Yu Jinxiao's thoughts fell into chaos.

Riding a skateboard, riding a bicycle? ?what operation?
Besides, with Yu Yuanyuan's small arms and short legs, does it look like he can play with these things?
(End of this chapter)

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