The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 394 Yuanyuan Is Waiting For Brother Shen Ji

Chapter 394 Yuanyuan Is Waiting For Brother Shen Ji

Depressed, Zai Zai is doing the questions even in her dreams at night, but no matter how she counts, every answer is wrong.

The Baba in the dream was so fierce, the second elder brother was so fierce, and the teacher was so fierce...

Woohoo, everyone has become very aggressive because of her inability to count.

The next day, the little cub with two pairs of lifeless eyes stood at the entrance of the kindergarten and yawned, as if he would fall asleep in a second.

Shen Ji called her several times before she heard her, and walked over with her eyes narrowed.

"Brother Shen Ji... aha..." Another big yawn.

"What's wrong with Yuanyuan? Did you not sleep well last night?"

Xiao Zaizai squatted by the fence in grievance, his small appearance looked haggard: "Yuanyuan...Yuanyuan was doing arithmetic in her dreams last night, but she still made a lot of mistakes."

When Shen Ji heard this, he thought it was not a big deal, so he couldn't help laughing: "Is there any question you can't do? You can ask your brother, he has good grades."

"Yuanyuan doesn't dare." Xiao Zai Zai looked terrified.

Yu Mingxi looks very gentle, why does Yuanyuan look so scared when she mentions him.

Could it be... is it another style in private?
Shen Ji patted the little claw holding the railing: "What's the matter? Are you afraid that your brother will be fierce?"

"No," Yu Yuanyuan pursed her mouth, "Brother's health is not good, Yuanyuan is afraid that he will get sick from anger."

Isn't it teaching arithmetic?

There is still a risk of getting sick? ?
Shen Ji was so surprised that he didn't respond for a while, and suddenly thought of something, he snapped his fingers.

The dazed little Zai Zai raised his head, blinking his eyes suspiciously.

"After school today, you play at home first. When the time on the watch shows 17:30, you come to the gate of the villa area and wait for me. I will teach you."

Shen Ji gave a plan that made Xiao Zai Zai's eyes shine.

"Can you understand 17:30? It's one, seven, two dots followed by three and zero."

Yu Yuanyuan nodded vigorously, and gave Shen Ji a thumbs up, that small appearance looked very reliable.

But Shen Ji, who knew that Xiao Zai Zai was not very reliable, could only rot this idea in his stomach, and gave him a thumbs up in cooperation.

He didn't expect to be able to match up with Yu Yuanyuan, but since he proposed it, he would meet Xiao Zai Zai at the gate of the villa area on time.

No one who lives in the villa area takes him in, so he is not allowed to come and go at will.

After school in the afternoon, Yu Yuanyuan went home obediently, staring at her watch in a daze at home early.

She can understand numbers and has a certain concept of time, but sometimes her brain reacts slowly, and she needs to spend a little time understanding things that seem so simple that she doesn't need to think about them.

When the number on the watch was about to jump to the number Shen Ji said, Xiao Zai Zai put on his shoes and went to Sister Bei: "Sister Bei, Yuanyuan is going to leave the yard for a while."

Every time he leaves the yard, Xiao Zai Zai will greet the servants at home in advance.

Who doesn't like this cute and worry-free little baby!
"Are there any children coming to play with Miss Yuanyuan?" Sister Bei asked from the kitchen window.

Xiao Zaizai thought it was troublesome to explain, so he casually "ah" and pointed outside: "Can Yuanyuan go out?"

"Yes, but be careful, and don't go out the gate."

"Yuanyuan knows."

In the villa area, you don't have to worry about being taken away by anyone. It is very strict for anyone to come in and out, but if there is any problem, it is impossible to get out smoothly.

It is even more difficult to abduct a child, the surrounding surveillance is densely covered with no dead ends, let alone break through from other places.

It is precisely because of the good security and good environment here that Yu Jinxiao gave up his independent manor and lived here with his children.

There is not only the excitement that children like, but also a full security system.

Relying on memory, Xiao Zai Zai ran to the gate.

Before going out, the security booth at the door poked out a head: "Little friend, you can't go out without the company of adults."

"Yuanyuan knows." Xiao Zaizai stood near the security booth with his hands behind his back, "Yuanyuan doesn't go out, Yuanyuan is waiting for brother Shen Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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