The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 395 I don't want to have contact with other people

Chapter 395 I don't want to have contact with other people

There were four young men in the security booth, tall and strong in uniform.

As soon as I heard the sound of milk from outside, four heads popped out of the open window to look at it.

The eyes were clearly filled with "ouch, ouch, so cute".

There are often children in the villa area who want to go out secretly by themselves. The reason is either to buy snacks or go out to find classmates.

Those who live here are either rich or expensive, and it is impossible for them to use too strong measures, and they will get their heads ashes every time.

"Hey, this seems to be the daughter Yu Jinxiao brought back." One of them recognized Yu Yuanyuan and reminded her in a low voice.

A palpitation flashed in the eyes of the other three, and they quickly woke up Bai Er's spirit to keep an eye on Xiao Zai Zai.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan didn't go out, so she just stood obediently in the corner, dodged vehicles, and occasionally waved her paw to greet the children who came home.

Until the time jumped to 17:30, Yu Yuanyuan finally saw the figure she was thinking about on the roadside outside the villa area.

"Brother Shen Ji!!!" Xiao Zai Zai's figure suddenly became louder, "Yuan Yuan is in Jie!!"

Shen Ji shook his arm towards Xiao Zai Zai, took the initiative to walk to the entrance of the passage, and politely identified himself with the security personnel inside: "Hi, I'm here to look for Yu Yuanyuan, do I need to register?"

"Please use your ID card." The security guard also politely extended his hand and waited to receive the ID card.

Shen Ji took out his ID card, and the man by the window took it and swiped it in the system, and a record related to Shen Ji popped up.

It showed that he had been here before, and was brought in by Yu Mingxi from the Yu family. He stayed from around [-]:[-] pm to almost [-]:[-] pm, and was finally sent away by Yu Jinxiao's royal driver himself.

According to this record, Shen Ji's identity should not be a big problem.

After completing the daily registration, the security personnel let Shen Ji in.

The man by the window was still not at ease, leaning out to remind Xiao Zai Zai: "Little friend, you can only play with your brother in the villa area, and you are not allowed to go out of the gate."

"Okay, Susu, don't worry, Yuanyuan won't run around." After speaking, Yu Yuanyuan stretched out her hand to hold Shen Ji, and didn't forget to wave her claws at the big men in the security booth.

A few men without children were almost too cute to find the southeast and northwest. They got together and stared at Yu Yuanyuan's lovely back to start a discussion.

"Yu Jinxiao's daughter is really cute, she doesn't put on airs at all."

"His son is also very polite."

"Speaking of which, although Yu Jinxiao himself looks strangely indifferent and fierce, he doesn't seem to feel sorry for anything."

But other people, relying on their own little money, wished that even a leaf falling from the tree would trouble them.

This is probably the gap between ordinary rich people and rich and established people.

"Yuanyuan, is there a place to sit near here?" Shen Ji didn't really want to go to Yu's house.

It's not that he doesn't like the Yu family, but that the members of the Yu family are too enthusiastic, making him embarrassed to stay for too long.

Today's purpose is to help Yu Yuanyuan master arithmetic, Shen Ji does not want to have contact with other people.

Xiao Zai Zai often played outside with his friends, and knew where there was a place to sit, so he led Shen Ji to a quiet small stone table.

There are three stone stools beside the small stone table, the height is just enough for Yu Yuanyuan to reach the table.

Shen Ji took out a pen and paper from his backpack, and some words were already written on it, which was the teaching plan he made in advance before coming here.

For some reason, Yu Yuanyuan felt that she would not be so nervous if her elder brother Shen Ji taught her how to count.

Baba and the second elder brother are vicious, the elder brother is not in good health and the younger brother is afraid of angering him. In contrast, Shen Ji is gentle, has a good attitude, and is in good health.

For Yu Yuanyuan, the short one-hour study time passed quickly.

Shen Ji's example is very interesting, and he can always guess Xiao Zai Zai's thinking brain circuit, and correct it in time before she thinks wrong.

Before dinner, he came up with another set of questions and asked Xiao Zai Zai to do it again, and he was all right.

(End of this chapter)

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