The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 396 Why Are You Suddenly So Powerful?

Chapter 396 Why Are You Suddenly So Powerful?

"Okay, Yuanyuan learned very well today," Shen Ji packed up the things he took out, "You can also recall it when you play at night, the more you practice, the more proficient you will be, just like Yuanyuan It’s like eating with a spoon, the more you use it, the better you will be.”

"Yuanyuan knows it!" Xiao Zai Zai, who was finally praised, was full of confidence.

"However, Yuanyuan, don't tell your family that I taught you arithmetic." Shen Ji didn't want Yu Jinxiao to feel that he had ulterior motives, he simply wanted to help Xiao Zai Zai.


"This matter is very complicated, and it's not easy to explain. Can Yuanyuan agree?"

As long as it is Shen Ji's request, Xiao Zai Zai will nod without hesitation, without any hesitation.

Yu Yuanyuan originally wanted Shen Ji to go home for dinner, but Shen Ji found an excuse and went home.

Xiao Zai Zai walked back happily, as if he had played with brother Shen Ji for forty minutes instead of studying for forty minutes.

After dinner, the Great Demon King Yu Jinxiao grabbed Yuanyuan's little cat again and asked her to take a new test.

As soon as he was grabbed by his father, Xiao Zai Zai's heart jumped in despair, and he became extremely nervous.

The little girl looked as if she was going to be fed to a tiger, her hands were clutching at the hem of her clothes, and she couldn't even lift her little head.

Seeing her pitiful look, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help but start to reflect on his own attitude.

In the end, he frowned and said, "Yu Yuanyuan, if you get all the questions right today, you can eat a small bag of soft candies."

"Really?" The godless eyes lit up instantly, as if hearing something great and good.

"You'll be happy if you get it right first."

Yu Jinxiao casually took out a blank piece of paper and wrote a total of ten questions on it.

There are addition and subtraction with single digits, and double digits. As long as Xiao Zai Zai is correct, he will fulfill his promise.

"Come on, you answer." After a good question, Yu Jinxiao pushed the paper over and walked to the side to calm down.

He was afraid that if he saw a bunch of wrong questions later, his temple would explode on the spot.

"Baba, Yuanyuan is ready to answer." Without being stared at by her father for answering, Yu Yuanyuan was not so nervous, her little claws rubbed against the paper, and quickly wrote the answer.

Probably because I often draw with a brush, the numbers are also written very large, like symbols in paintings.

Yu Jinxiao only asked her to answer correctly, whether the handwriting is good or not is not a requirement at this age.

The first way, correct.

Second way, correct.

The third way, right...

Seeing the last question along the way, Yu Yuanyuan actually got all the answers right.


Didn't you still feel dizzy yesterday, making ten mistakes and six mistakes, why is the correct rate so high today?

Could it be that someone secretly helped her? ?
Yu Jinxiao narrowed his eyes and glanced at the door of the study room, but there was no one there.

By the way, window!
No cats either.

He even suspected that it was Dahua who gave the hint outside.

According to the usual interaction between Xiao Zai Zai and Da Hua, it is not impossible.

This progress is too fast!

"Baba, can I go eat Tangtang?" Xiao Zaizai sat on the chair, watching him with innocent eyes shaking his feet.

What if the little cub really got the hang of it?
Or what did the teacher teach in school?
Yu Jinxiao hesitated for a while, and decided to ask Yu Yuanyuan to answer ten more questions.

This time he made it a little more difficult, and didn't require her to be all right. No matter what the result was, the fudge he promised before would be fulfilled.

After correcting everything once, Yu Yuanyuan gained confidence, and this time it only took 15 minutes to finish writing.

She pushed the answer sheet over, and Yu Jinxiao glanced at it. He only got 2 mistakes on the question that raised the difficulty level, and all the others were correct. This is already a very good rate of correctness.

Yu Jinxiao frowned, and asked, "Yu Yuanyuan, why did you become so powerful all of a sudden?"

(End of this chapter)

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