The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 397 Pupil Earthquake

Chapter 397 Pupil Earthquake
Xiao Zaizai, who was finally praised by his father, was very proud. He lay on the table and smirked "hehehe": "Really? worked hard."

It cannot be said that elder brother Shen Ji taught her well, she promised to keep it a secret.

Yu Jinxiao's keen observation ability immediately noticed something strange.

Xiao Zaizai didn't say that the teacher taught her well, nor did she say why she became enlightened, but only said "I worked hard". It seems that she used some special method secretly to let herself learn arithmetic.

Thinking of this, Yu Jinxiao turned his head to look at the window, and an unbelievable guess appeared in his heart——

Could it be that he was looking for tutoring from Dahua downstairs?
If it's really a fat cat teaching his daughter arithmetic, how could he, an old father, have any face? ?

"Okay, you go to Aunt Chen to get candy, but you are not allowed to eat it tonight, eat it tomorrow, and brush your teeth before going to bed." Yu Jinxiao never imagined that one day, he would worry about these seemingly boring and trivial things, " If your teeth are rotten, you won't be allowed to eat candy in the future."

"Ah." Scared by his father, Xiao Zai Zai covered his mouth and ran out of the study.

Looking at the little figure from behind, Yu Jinxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the depths of his pupils became darker and darker like an abyss.


Yu Jinxiao, who secretly observed Zai Zai from night to the next morning, didn't see anything.

She never went to see Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze, nor did she talk to Dahua about arithmetic.

Is it really that stupid little glutinous rice balls that suddenly became enlightened?

Not only Yu Jinxiao was surprised by her progress in arithmetic, but even the teacher and Gu Beiyan were surprised.

Early this morning, the teacher came up with a subtraction problem that was difficult at first glance. Many children counted with their fingers but failed to find the answer for a long time. Gu Beiyan was one of them.

Everyone didn't want to be drawn by the teacher, and tensed their necks to reduce their sense of existence.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was definitely shrunk the smallest at ordinary times, was extremely calm today. She gestured with her fingers a few times, and then lay down on the table in a daze.

"Yuanyuan, have you figured it out yet?" The teacher looked around on the stage, only seeing a calm little face, unexpectedly it was Yu Yuanyuan who made mistakes every time.

Although the teacher didn't quite believe that she could count correctly, those eyes seemed confident, as if they were waiting for her call.

"Yes, Yuanyuan is fine!" Unexpectedly, Xiao Zai Zai's voice was calm and confident.

Chu Qi beside her was stunned by the confident tone.

Are you serious?
The kid who was wrong about 12+7 yesterday! ! !

"Then what's the answer?" The teacher was also very curious about whether Xiao Zai Zai could get the answer right.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't hesitate: "The answer is 83!"

There was no sound in the classroom, except for Chu Qi who showed surprise and admiration, the others hadn't figured out the answer yet, naturally they didn't know whether the value was correct or not.

The teacher was also a little surprised, paused for a few seconds, and took the lead in clapping: "The answer is correct, Yuanyuan did it right!"

what? ?

Gu Beiyan's pupils trembled.

Even Yuanyuan got it right, yet he calculated for so long and got the wrong answer!

Xiao Zai Zai made rapid progress, which made Gu Beiyan curious how she suddenly became so powerful: "Yuanyuan, did you guess???"

"No, Yuanyuan can figure it out on her own." Yu Yuanyuan replied in a low voice.

Gu Beiyan was even more shocked.

Yuanyuan, who is usually at the bottom of the list, is actually so powerful! ! !

After finally waiting for get out of class to end, Gu Beiyan hurried to Yu Yuanyuan to inquire about the situation: "Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan, why are you suddenly so powerful, teach me."

"You are hopeless," Chu Qi pushed him away, "It's hard to take a break after class, do you still want Yuanyuan to give you tutoring?"

Xiao Zai Zai didn't speak, and was quietly digesting Gu Beiyan's question.

Brother Shen Ji said that you can't tell your family that he taught her arithmetic, so tell... a friend should be fine, right?

(End of this chapter)

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