The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 401 The accuracy rate is soaring

Chapter 401 The accuracy rate is soaring

One-two, one-two shouts sound energetic.

Wen Zifei was stunned for a while before he realized that he was being dragged away, even one meter away.

Probably all the children in the last wave wanted to speed up, but a lot of people made mistakes, some of them fell together, and some of them were deadlocked in the middle to discuss which foot to use...

The only group that was advancing was Yu Yuanyuan and Wen Zifei.

Wen Zifei was lying on the floor mat holding the handover baton. Yu Yuanyuan didn't know where the strength came from, but he dragged him all the way forward, and was the first to break through the finish line.

"We won!!!" Yu Yuanyuan raised her paw happily and cheered, but Wen Zifei was not happy at all.

He was like a burden, being dragged to the end by Yu Yuanyuan so abruptly, he didn't even have the intention of stopping to help him up.

Wen Zifei untied the rope on his feet, and asked fiercely, "What are you doing?? Why didn't you help me up when you saw me fall!!"

"Little Mosquito, it was you who said we must win." Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head in confusion, "But if I stop to help you, I won't be able to catch up."

Well... makes sense.

He really wanted to scold Yu Yuanyuan, but her words made Wen Zifei unable to open his mouth. Everything seemed to be Yu Yuanyuan's efforts for the victory he wanted.

The group next door even showed envy to them.

What envy...

Envious of Yu Yuanyuan's strength, can he drag him and let him lie down to win?
Wen Zifei held his forehead, not daring to look at other people's faces, anyway, he has no face left, not at all left.

The winning team each received a red flower that could be placed on a nameplate at the back of the classroom.

Little red flowers are honor, and every child wishes to have densely packed little red flowers.

Cub Zai Zai, who was immersed in the joy of victory, didn't notice Wen Zifei's depression at all, and spent the whole day happily alone, and even shared the news with Shen Ji during his afternoon tutoring.

At first, Shen Ji thought that Xiao Zai Zai and his friends cooperated well, so he couldn't help asking a few more questions, but unexpectedly...

After he knew the truth, a few words popped out of his mind: You deserve it.

Gao Zhou was the only one who picked up Xiao Zai Zai today, Yu Jinxiao didn't go anywhere after the meeting, and rushed home to accompany Xiao Zai Zai immediately.

Unknowingly, this subconscious cognition has been engraved into the habit. He no longer focuses on work, but regards "companion" and "family" as the most important things.

Especially, he felt that there was something wrong with Xiao Zai Zai these two days.

The little milk bag who was extremely poor in arithmetic before suddenly seemed to be enlightened yesterday, and the accuracy rate soared.

Yu Jinxiao asked Aunt Chen and other servants, after returning home yesterday, Xiao Zai Zai came back after going out for [-] minutes, his body was clean, and it didn't look like he had gone out to play with children.

Yu Jinxiao, who always paid too little attention to his children, now that his conscience found out, he was suddenly alerted.

Anything unusual and wrong...he couldn't ignore it.

However, Yu Yuanyuan probably wouldn't go too far away, probably in the villa area.

Yu Jinxiao went home and changed his clothes. He threw away his serious and formal suit, changed into a simple shirt and slacks and went out.

After moving here for so long, he has never had a good time shopping. He leaves early and returns late every day. He didn't even notice that there is such a beautiful fountain and rockery landscaping here.

Walking around, a familiar figure from the back appeared in Yu Jinxiao's line of sight - it was Yu Yuanyuan!
Beside her was a person who was much taller, Yu Jinxiao narrowed his eyes slightly to make sure, and recognized at a glance that it was Shen Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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