The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 402 Yuanyuan seems to smell the smell of pulling

Chapter 402 Yuanyuan seems to smell the smell of pulling
Strange, what are the two of them doing here?
Still looking sneaky, is there any little secret that no one knows?
Yu Jinxiao's big lala figure suddenly lowered, and he hid himself behind the big tree next to him, using the cover to reveal a little eyes and quietly observe the other side.

A raised cushion was sitting under Xiao Zaizai's buttocks, and a few sheets of paper were placed on the stone table beside him, densely filled with drawings, and he was holding a pen on it to demonstrate something to Yu Yuanyuan.

Taking advantage of the two children's focused expressions and not noticing the movement around them, Yu Jinxiao slowly moved to the back of the rockery closest to them.

This position can just block him, but he can still hear the voice talking over there.

"Brother Shen Ji, how do you reduce this?" Yu Yuanyuan asked in a childish voice while holding a small children's pen.

Shen Ji's voice was accompanied by a few gentle chuckles, as if he adjusted the drawing paper: "I taught you this yesterday, did Yuanyuan accidentally forget it?"

"Ah, really?" The embarrassed little Zaizai pursed his lips, staring at the page in a daze, "But Yuanyuan... Yuanyuan can't remember."

"Because Yuanyuan was talking about wanting to eat biscuits," Shen Ji stretched out his hand and tapped her nose, "I don't have the brains to remember arithmetic."

Realizing that she was wrong, Yu Yuanyuan lowered her head: "For Buji, Brother Shen Ji, Yuanyuan will try her best to remember in the future."

"It's okay, don't say I'm sorry," Shen Ji patted her small head, his tone was gentle and calm, without any sign of sullenness being destroyed by the little boy, "children have small heads, and there are many things that need to be memorized many times. Okay, it's not Yuanyuan's fault, as long as Yuanyuan works hard, she will definitely succeed in the future."

"Yes, it will definitely succeed." Xiao Zai Zai raised his round hands in agreement.

Shen Ji didn't continue talking about arithmetic, but started another topic: "Does Yuanyuan like drawing?"

"I like it, I like it," Xiao Zaizai nodded vigorously, "Does brother Shen Ji like it too?"

"It's okay, I'm not very good at drawing."

"Wow!" Yu Yuanyuan knew for the first time that Shen Ji could draw, "Yuanyuan wants to see the paintings of brother Shen Ji!"

Shen Ji paused for a while, his voice sounded like an evil temptation: "Then if Yuanyuan does all the questions correctly this week, I will draw a portrait of Yuanyuan and give it to Yuanyuan."

"Okay, okay." The suddenly excited Xiao Zai Zai entered a serious state of full power.

In order to get the portrait that Shen Ji's elder brother drew for her, Yu Yuanyuan opened her big round eyes and tried her best to use her little brain, and in a short period of time, she became more proficient at subtracting two-digit numbers.

Children are different from adults. Some things that seem to have been mastered may be forgotten by children again.

Every day before Shen Ji gives new practice questions, he will patiently help Yu Yuanyuan recall yesterday's content, repeatedly deepening Xiao Zai Zai's memory.

In just half an hour, Yu Jinxiao just hid behind and listened, and his blood pressure rose several times.

It seems that this little cub specializes in treating hypotension, and the medicine is very effective.

Only Shen Ji would patiently answer her questions every time, no matter whether the question had already been discussed with Xiao Zai Zai or not, and no matter how outrageous the question was...

"Okay, it's time for Yuanyuan to go back to eat." Shen Ji packed up his things and was going to deliver Yu Yuanyuan to the door of his house before going home.

As a result, the little cub who had just got up sniffed and muttered to himself: "Yuanyuan seems to smell the smell of plucking."

(End of this chapter)

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